Premium 14 Mukhi Rudraksha

The 14 Mukhi Rudraksha is a symbol of Lord Shiva & Hanuman Jis blessings, believed to originate from his Third Eye. It is said to enhance the Ajna Chakra, boosting mental imagery, work planning, paternal blessings, and fame. This Rudraksha is also recommended for people going through Shani Dasha or Kaalsarp.


We also see this Rudraksha associated with the Saturn & Mars and thus beneficial for those influenced by Saturn (in Business, Job, Career), Saturn / Shani Position (Ucch, Neech, Savrashi, Strong or Weak Yog, Yukti Bhavs) in Horoscope, as per signs in Saturn Mounds (Palmistry), Saturn Rashis Capricorn (मकर) और Aquarius (कुम्भ), Number 7 / 16 / 25 Born.

For Mars beneficial for those influenced by Mars (in Business, Job, Career), Mars / Mangal Position (Ucch, Neech, Savrashi, Strong or Weak Yog Yukti Bhavs, Manglik) in Horoscope, as per signs in Mars Mounds (Palmistry), Mars Rashi (Aries मेष & Scorpio वृश्चिक), Number 9 / 18 / 27 Born.


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Send us your requirement & we will send you the exact real photo / video of the Spiritual product in stock that you will receive.

14 Mukhi Nepali Deluxe

14 Mukhi Nepali Premium

14 Mukhi Nepali Collector

14 Mukhi Rudraksha
(Complete Video)

Premium 14 Mukhi Rudraksha
(Fourteen Mukhi)


Who should wear - As per Job, Career or Business?

The 14 Mukhi Rudraksha is a rare, exquisite bead. This bead increases his intuitive power for decision-making. It ensures stable growth for the wearer. It is also suitable for speculators, investors, risk managers, businessmen, and people from the iron and steel industry. It improves overall luck, intuition and facilitates quick decision making leading to successful outcomes.


◊ Engineering and Technical Fields:
The disciplined and analytical nature of Saturn, combined with the drive and determination of Mars, can make careers in engineering, architecture, computer science, and technical field.


◊ Military and Defense:
The assertiveness and courage associated with Mars and Saturn's disciplined and structured approach can align with the military, defense forces, or law enforcement careers.


◊ Construction and Project Management:
The combination of Saturn's organizational skills and Mars' drive and ambition can be well-suited for careers in construction, project management, civil engineering, planning, executing, and overseeing projects.


◊ Entrepreneurship and Business Leadership:
Mars's assertiveness and ambition, combined with Saturn's strategic and managerial abilities, can be advantageous for individuals interested in entrepreneurship and business leadership roles.


◊ Sports and Athletics:
Mars's energy and physical prowess, along with Saturn's discipline and dedication, can be well-suited for careers in sports and athletics - competitive sports that require endurance, discipline, and a strong drive to succeed.


◊ Scientific Research:
Saturn's analytical and systematic approach, combined with the perseverance and determination of Mars - such as medicine, biology, chemistry, or physics- is of interest to individuals with this planetary combination.


◊ Special Jobs & Business:

Professionals engaged in inspection, human resources, background checks, crypto trading, detectives, forensic experts, and security company owners will find this rudraksha helpful in judging people better and more effectively. People in import-export and stock trading can also conduct business effectively through fast, accurate judgments. And
those involved in share trading or any speculative business will find it very useful.


General Benefits of 14 Mukhi Rudraksha:

• Maintain balanced
• Solves any problem in life
• Give strong willpower and valor
• Pacifies the malefic of Mangal Dosh
• Pacifies the malefic of Shani Sade Sati
• Success & excellence in respective fields
• Awakens intuition
• Enhances decision making powers


Health Benefits by 14 Mukhi Rudraksha:

This bead has the power to pacify the malefic effects of its Ruling Planet, Saturn & Mars.


• Bones / Arthritis
• Accidents and injuries in head & legs
• Removes fears, phobias and traumas
• Nerve disorders
• Gynecological problems / Womb
• Sexual weakness
• Ulcer

• Blood-related disorders
• Surgery-related complications
• Chronic health conditions
• Digestive system disorders
• Mental health issues



How to Wear 14 Mukhi Rudraksha & 14 Mukhi Mantra

Mantra: Om Namah, ॐ नमः, Om Namah Shivaya
Ruling Planet: Saturn & Mars
Deity: Lord Shiva & Lord Hanuman




You can see Guru Ji's Youtube Playlist which covers detailed Rudraksha Videos for all mukhis & special:


or Visit Guru Ji's Youtube Channel


When wearing Fourteen 14 Mukhi Rudraksha, it is essential to follow the prescribed methods and rituals as mentioned in ancient texts and under the guidance of a knowledgeable person. This ensures that the full Spiritual and astrological benefits of the bead are realized.



Some Bad Yuktis & Yogas for Planet Saturn 'Shani Graha'


  1. Shani-Chandra Vish Yoga:
    When Saturn is in conjunction with the Moon (Chandra), it can create a challenging yoga known as Shani-Chandra Vish Yoga. This yoga can indicate emotional instability, depression, and difficulties in expressing emotions. It may also lead to issues related to the mother or motherly figures.


    Shani-Mangal Yoga:
    When Saturn is in conjunction with Mars (Mangal), it can create a yoga known as Shani-Mangal Yoga. This yoga can indicate conflicts, aggression, and accidents. It may also lead to issues related to anger management and impulsiveness.


    Shani-Rahu or Shani-Ketu Yoga:
    When Saturn is in conjunction with Rahu or Ketu, it can create a challenging yoga that can indicate confusion, delusion, and instability. It may also lead to issues related to deception, addiction, and escapism.


    Shani Dhaiyya or Shani Sade Sati:
    These are periods when Saturn transits over the 12th, 1st, and 2nd houses from the natal Moon. They are considered challenging periods that can indicate obstacles, delays, and hardships. They are believed to test one's patience and resilience.


    Shani Astama Sani:
    This occurs when Saturn transits the 8th house from the natal Moon. It is considered a challenging transit that can indicate sudden changes, transformations, and difficulties. It may also lead to issues related to health, finances, and relationships.


    Shani Duryoga:
    When Saturn is weak or afflicted in the birth chart without any supportive aspects, it can lead to Shani Duryoga. This yoga can indicate challenges and setbacks in matters related to discipline, hard work, and responsibility.



Some Bad Yuktis & Yogas for Planet Mars 'Mangal Graha'


Kuja & Mangalik Doshas:
Kuja Dosha occurs when Mars is placed in certain houses in the birth chart, particularly the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th houses from the Ascendant or Moon sign. It is believed to cause delays, obstacles, conflicts in marriage, and health issues for the spouse.


Mars-Saturn Conjunction:
When Mars is conjunct Saturn in a birth chart, it can indicate delays, obstacles, and challenges in various aspects of life. This conjunction can bring a serious and disciplined approach but may also lead to frustrations and setbacks.


Mars Afflictions:
Afflictions to Mars from malefic planets like Rahu, Ketu, and Saturn can indicate aggression, accidents, and conflicts. It can also lead to health issues related to Mars, such as blood disorders, accidents, and surgeries.


Mars Retrograde:
Mars retrograde periods are considered challenging as they can bring delays, frustrations, and a feeling of stagnation. It can be a time of increased conflicts and misunderstandings.


Mars in Dusthana Houses:
When Mars is placed in the 6th, 8th, or 12th houses, which are considered malefic or dusthana houses, it can indicate challenges, conflicts, and health issues related to Mars' significations.

Secrets of 14 Mukhi
'3rd Eye Ajna Chakra'
by Guru Aum Sushant

The 14 Mukhi Rudraksha, known as the Dev Mani, is a sacred bead of immense divine significance. It holds a revered place in Vedic scriptures, representing the divine union of Lord Shiva and Shakti. Wearing this Rudraksha invokes the harmonizing blessings of both Shiva and Shakti.


This powerful Rudraksha align and helps in opening the path to activates the Ajna Chakra, also known as the third eye, which resides between the eyebrows. The Ajna Chakra is a gateway to higher consciousness, Spiritual insights, awakened sixth sense, divine vibration, and profound Spiritual experiences and divine intuition. The symbolism of the Ajna Chakra is beautifully depicted by its two petals, which represent the Beeja mantras "Ham" and "Ksham." At the center of these petals lies the sacred "Om" Beeja mantra, embodying the infinite power and cosmic energy of Lord Shiva.


In addition to its Spiritual significance, the 14 Mukhi Rudraksha carries profound benefits. It brings purification and fame to one's ancestors, helping to rectify past mistakes and clear ancestral karmic imbalances. The wearer is blessed with heightened foresight and intuitive wisdom, enabling them to make profitable decisions. According to the Jabolok Upanishad, it acts as a 3rd eye - the protective shield, safeguarding the wearer against negative energies, adversities, and malevolent influences. This divine bead strengthens the connection with the divine realm, enhancing Spiritual elevation, and consciousness.


Furthermore, the 14 Mukhi Rudraksha is associated with the planet Saturn (Shani), known as the planet of Karma and justice. It rewards the wearer for their truthfulness, sincerity, and righteous efforts.


The unbiased Lord Shiva

In the vast expanse of ancient Puranas, the impartial nature of Lord Shiva shines forth, exemplifying his boundless compassion towards both Gods and Asuras (demons). Within the tapestry of cosmic existence, an epic battle raged between the Devas (gods) and the Asuras, testing the delicate equilibrium of the universe. Sensing the need for divine intervention, the Asuras approached Lord Brahma, the creator of all, seeking a boon to ensure their victory.


Empowered by the bestowed boon, the Asuras grew invincible, spreading darkness across the realms. The Devas, troubled by their relentless assault, sought refuge in the abode of Lord Shiva. Recognizing the plight of the Devas and the rising imbalance, Shiva, the embodiment of righteousness, decided to intervene. With his divine presence, Shiva infused hope and reassurance into the hearts of the Asuras, their adversaries. He appeared before them, listening intently to their grievances and concerns. Deeply moved by their struggles and understanding the necessity of balance in the cosmos, he offered them his divine guidance and teachings.


In his boundless benevolence, Lord Shiva granted boons to select Asuras who had demonstrated unwavering devotion and righteousness. By bestowing these boons, he not only uplifted the Asuras but also sought to instill a sense of unity and harmony among all creatures, irrespective of their origins.


Its a timeless reminder that Shiva's compassion extends to all beings, regardless of their divine or demonic nature. His divine grace encompasses the entirety of creation and impartiality.



Special Note:
The related controlling planets, related gods, sacred symbolizations, benefits, meanings for each Rudrakshas has been briefly pointed out in Shiv Puran, Shrimad Devibhagwat, Ling Puran, Padam Puran, Skand Puran, Jabalopanishad and other scriptures; over the years rudraksha experiences has been analyzed & elaborated by many Rudraksha Experts with the past experiences they have after giving the rudraksha to the clients. For a person who want to refer as per Indian Numerology 'Ank Jyotish' and further calculates each mukhis representing that specific number, for example 5 Mukhi Rudraksha is believed to be ruled by Jupiter, but as per Indian Numerology Number 5 is associated with Mercury Planet. In a scenario like this, as Rudraksha doesn't gives negative effects to the wearer, simply buy as per his/her believe system or discuss with a Rudraksha Expert.


Specifically as per Indian Numerology 'Ank Jyotish' The Number 5 will be effected by
अंक 5 - Mercury (बुध

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Send us your requirement & we will send you the exact real photo / video of the Spiritual product in stock that you will receive.


Premium 1 Mukhi Rudraksha

1 Mukhi Nepali Savar (Attached)
1 Mukhi Nepali Savar (Detached)
1 Mukhi Nepali Round Alternate
(1 Clear Line Multiple Seed Pockets)
1 Mukhi Moon Shape (Rameshwaram)
1 Mukhi Indonesian
(Small Thick Rice Seeds Type)


Premium 2 Mukhi Rudraksha

2 Mukhi Nepali
2 Mukhi Himalayan (Haridwar)
2 Mukhi (Indonesian)


Premium 3 Mukhi Rudraksha

3 Mukhi Nepali
3 Mukhi Himalayan (Haridwar)
3 Mukhi Indonesian


Premium 4 Mukhi Rudraksha

4 Mukhi Nepali
4 Mukhi Nepali (Awala Size)


Premium 5 Mukhi Rudraksha

5 Mukhi Nepali (Normal Bulk Order only)
5 Mukhi Nepali (Deluxe)
6 Mukhi Nepali (Premium)
5 Mukhi Nepali (Awala Size)
5 Mukhi Nepali (Super Collector Size)
5 Mukhi Nepali (Very Clear Water Beads)


Premium 6 Mukhi Rudraksha

6 Mukhi Nepali (Deluxe)
6 Mukhi Nepali (Premium)
6 Mukhi Nepali (Collector Size)


Premium 7 Mukhi Rudraksha

7 Mukhi Nepali (Deluxe)
7 Mukhi Nepali (Premium)
7 Mukhi Nepali (Collector Size)

Premium 8 Mukhi Rudraksha

8 Mukhi Nepali (Deluxe)
8 Mukhi Nepali (Premium)
8 Mukhi Nepali (Collector Size)


Premium 9 Mukhi Rudraksha

8 Mukhi Nepali (Deluxe)
8 Mukhi Nepali (Premium)
8 Mukhi Nepali (Collector Size)


Premium 10 Mukhi Rudraksha

10 Mukhi Nepali (Deluxe)
10 Mukhi Nepali (Premium)
10 Mukhi Nepali (Collector Size)


Premium 11 Mukhi Rudraksha

11 Mukhi Nepali (Deluxe)
11 Mukhi Nepali (Premium)
11 Mukhi Nepali (Collector Size)


Premium 12 Mukhi Rudraksha

12 Mukhi Nepali (Deluxe)
12 Mukhi Nepali (Premium)
12 Mukhi Nepali (Collector Size)


Premium 13 Mukhi Rudraksha

13 Mukhi Nepali (Deluxe)
13 Mukhi Nepali (Premium)
13 Mukhi Nepali (Collector Size)


Premium 14 Mukhi Rudraksha

14 Mukhi Nepali (Deluxe)
14 Mukhi Nepali (Premium)
14 Mukhi Nepali (Collector Size)

Ganesh Rudraksha

Ganesh Rudraksha (Deluxe)
Ganesh Rudraksha (Premium)
Lakshmi Ganesh (7 Mukhi)


Gauri Shankar

Gauri Shankar Nepali (Premium)
Gauri Shankar (Collector Size)


Garbh Gauri

Gauri Shankar Nepali (Premium)
Gauri Shankar (Collector Size)


Nirakar (Zero Mukhi)

Nirakar Rudraksha (Faceless)


Savar / Naag

1 Mukhi Nepali Savar (Attached)
1 Mukhi Nepali Savar (Detached)


Rudraksha Combinations

For Protection Rudraksha Kavach
For Students Rudraksha Kavach
For Women Rudraksha Kavach
For Wealth Rudraksha Kavach
For Spirituality Rudraksha Kavach
For Attraction Rudraksha Kavach
3 4 5 Special Combo
5 9 Shiv Shakti Special Combo


Odd & Hybrid Rudraksha

For Rudraksha Collectors
Bhadrakshas for Tantra / Havan / Aahuti

B2B / Bulk Buyers

Are you a healer, tarot card reader, reiki teacher, astrologer, numerologist, occult practitioner, pandit high-quality items for your practice or regular selling to your client?


Look no further, we offer B2B rates to all Bulk Buyers!

Our trust also has tie-ups with Temples in India, Temple Outside India, Ashrams, NRI running Convenience Stores, Hippies, anyone dealing in Spiritual Products.

If you are one of them and looking for a trusted reliable supplier for all types of Premium Quality Spiritual Items - Nepali & Indonesian Rudraksha Beads, Jap Malas, Yantra Tantra Mantra Puja Items, Himalayan Herbs, Body Oils, Super Food, Spiritual Art & any customized corporate Spiritual / holistic gift bulk enquiry.


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  • Authenticity & Trust:
    Our products are sourced from trusted suppliers and are guaranteed to be authentic, ensuring you receive the highest quality items.
  • Variety:
    From traditional items to modern Spiritual tools, we offer a diverse range of products to suit your preferences and requirements.
  • Bulk Discounts:
    Enjoy special discounts on bulk orders, making it cost-effective to stock up on your favorite items or start your own Spiritual product business.