Premium 2 Mukhi Rudraksha

The 2 Mukhi Rudraksha is renowned for its blessings as the "Ardh Nariswar," symbolizing both Shiva and Parvati. It is associated with the element of Fire & Ice, offering the benefits of its unified masculine & Feminine energy. This Rudraksha is revered for its ability to enhance family life, relationships, and marital success. It fosters harmony in various relationships and is worn for both material and Spiritual gains, including finding a suitable life partner and reducing relationship stress.


Additionally, it is believed to aid in fertility, balance consciousness, and promote respect and belief. Business development, prosperity, and sound decision-making are also attributed to its influence, making it a choice for individuals seeking worldly success and enlightenment.


Please do keep in mind that Nepali 2 Mukhi is rare and hence expensive.


We also see this Rudraksha associated with the Sun and thus beneficial for those influenced by Moon (in Business, Job, Career), Moon / Chanrda Position (Ucch, Neech, Savrashi, Strong or Weak Yog Yukti Bhavs, Poornima, Amavasya) in Horoscope, as per signs in Moon Mounds (Palmistry), Moon Rashi (Cancer), Moon Nakshatras, Number 2 / 11 / 20 / 29 Born.


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Send us your requirement & we will send you the exact real photo / video of the Spiritual product in stock that you will receive.

2 Mukhi Nepali Deluxe

2 Mukhi Nepali Premium

2 Mukhi Indonesia Premium

2 Mukhi Himalayan

2 Mukhi Rudraksha
(Complete Video)

Premium 2 Mukhi Rudraksha
(Do mukhi / Dwimukhi)


Who should wear - As per Job, Career or Business?

In astrology, the Moon represents emotions, intuition,nurturing, and receptivity.

Individuals with a strong Moon in their birth charts tend to excel in careers that involve caring professions, creative arts, healing, counseling, and nurturing roles.

The Moon's influence fosters empathy, sensitivity, and the ability to connect with others on an emotional level. People with a prominent Moon are often drawn to professions where they can positively impact others' well-being and provide support.


◊ Psychology and Counseling:
The Moon's association with emotions and empathy makes it suitable for careers in psychology and counseling - therapists, counselors, psychologists, Researchers, or working in mental health support services.


◊ Healthcare and Nursing:
The Moon's influence on nurturing and care makes it favorable for careers in healthcare and nursing - Neurologists, Psychiatric, doctors, surgeons, physicians, nurses, caregivers, midwives, medical technicians, medical researchers, or working in hospice care.


◊ Social Work and Community Services:
The Moon's connection with empathy and compassion suits social work and community services careers - social services, counselors, nonprofit organizations, community organizers, advocates, and support groups.


◊ Education and Childcare:
The Moon's association with nurturing and sensitivity makes it favorable for careers in education and childcare - teacher, tutor, school administrator, education counselor, and ed-tech business.


◊ Writing and Journalism:
The Moon's influence on emotions and intuition makes it suitable for careers in writing and journalism - writers, journalists, bloggers, content writers, copywriters, or working in publishing and media.


◊ Hospitality and Customer Service:
The Moon's connection with nurturing and hospitality makes it favorable for hospitality and customer service careers - hotels, restaurants, event Coordinators, BPO, KPO, and travel agencies.


◊ Fine Arts and Crafts:
The Moon's association with creativity and sensitivity makes it suitable for careers in fine arts and crafts - artists, painters, illustrators, visualizers, art directors, sculptors, designers, set designers, 3D modelers, photographers, graphic designers, or working in artisan crafts and handmade products.


General Benefits of 2 Mukhi Rudraksha:

The 2 Mukhi Rudraksha is believed to enhance self-confidence and stability of the mind. It is beneficial for individuals seeking stable and balanced relationships.

This Rudraksha promotes affinity, unity, seeking compatible partners, family happiness, peace, harmony, and good business partnership.


• Unity between husband and wife
• Good Business Partnership
• Harmony in relationship
• Mental Power / Mind / Intelligence
• Helps in arousing Kundalini power
• Prosperity
• General Well-being
• Happiness / Peace of mind
• Facial Luster / Femininity / Beauty
• Eye-sight
• Water
• Malarial fever
• Sound Sleep
• Fondness of Curd / Good Fruits / Perfumes / Woman
• Strong at night
• Helps in decision making
• Balance with peace and harmony


Single people who face difficulty getting the right match, relationship problems, and difficulty conceiving a baby should wear this Rudraksha.


Health Benefits by 2 Mukhi Rudraksha:


This bead has the power to pacify the malefic effects of its Ruling Planet Moon.

• Hand, Feet get Cold with Anxiety
• Hysteria / Epilepsy / Headache / Mental chaos
• Mental Stress / Depression / Negative thinking
• Miscarriage
• Diseases of the left eye
• Weak Lungs / Asthma / Pneumonia
• Kidney
• Intestine / Hidden ulcerous in the stomach
• Lymphatic / Non-blood fluid systems
• Renal failure / Intestinal disorder
• Cold / Cough / Sinus Mucus / Phlegm
• Impotence
• Lack of Stability & concentration


How to Wear 2 Mukhi Rudraksha & 2 Mukhi Mantra

Mantra: Om Namaha, ॐ नमः, Shri Gauri Shankaraya Namah
Ruling Planet: Moon
Presiding Deity: Shiva & Shakti Unified (Ardhanareeshwar)




You can see Guru Ji's Youtube Playlist which covers detailed Rudraksha Videos for all mukhis & special:


or Visit Guru Ji's Youtube Channel


When wearing Do 2 Mukhi Rudraksha, it is essential to follow the prescribed methods and rituals as mentioned in ancient texts and under the guidance of a knowledgeable person. This ensures that the full Spiritual and astrological benefits of the bead are realized.



Some Bad Yuktis & Yogas for Planet Moon 'Chandra Graha'


Chandra Grahan Yoga:
This yoga occurs when the Moon is eclipsed or conjunct Rahu or Ketu, especially in the first house. It can indicate emotional instability, mental confusion, and psychological issues.


Chandra-Surya Yoga:
When the Moon is in conjunction with the Sun, it can create a condition called "Amavasya Dosha," indicating a weak emotional connection, lack of mental clarity, and challenges in expressing emotions.


Chandra-Mangal Yoga:
When the Moon is in conjunction with Mars (Mangal), it can indicate emotional volatility, aggression, and conflicts in relationships.


Chandra-Shani Yoga:
This yoga occurs when the Moon is conjunct Saturn (Shani). It can indicate emotional repression, feelings of loneliness or depression, and challenges in dealing with authority figures or older people.


Combust Moon:
When the Moon is too close to the Sun and is overshadowed by its light, it is considered combust. This can weaken the Moon's influence and lead to emotional insecurity, mood swings, and difficulties in connecting with others.


Chandra-Rahu or Chandra-Ketu Yoga:
These yogas occur when the Moon is conjunct Rahu or Ketu. They can indicate confusion, illusion, and challenges in understanding one's true emotions or motivations.


Chandra in Dusthana Houses:
When the Moon is placed in the 6th, 8th, or 12th houses, which are considered malefic or dusthana houses, it can lead to challenges in emotional well-being, mental health, and stability.

Secrets of 2 Mukhi
'Perfect Union of Purusha & Prakarti'
by Guru Aum Sushant

Ardhanareeshwar Form


In the Vedic scriptures, Ardhanarishvara represents the ultimate reality of the universe, where masculine and feminine energies merge in perfect harmony to bring equilibrium.

Purusha and Prakriti are opposite in nature, but the Ardhanarishvara reconciles and harmonizes the two conflicting ways of life: the Spiritual way of the ascetic as represented by Shiva, and the worldly way of the householder as symbolized by Parvati, who invites the ascetic Shiva into marriage and the broader circle of worldly affairs.


As per Rigveda 'Agnishomatmakam Jagat,' the whole creation is made of Agni and Soma. Fire (Agni) is the male principle and is present in the menstrual flow of the female. The Moon (soma) is the female principle and is present in the sperm of the male.


The union of Shiva's Linga and the Devi's Yoni leads to the birth of the entire cosmos. Shiva on the left also represents the Spiritual sphere, while Shakti represents the material sphere.

Ardhanariswara illustrates how Goddess Shakti is inseparable from Lord Shiva. Shiva is nothing without Shakti, and Shakti is powerless without Shiva. If Shakti creates, Shiva is the source of that creation. No creation is possible without Shiva's unity with the Divine Energy (Shakti).

Two mukhi Rudraksha symbolizes (Ardhanareeshwara) the combined balanced form of Lord Shiva (Purusha - Spiritual Consciousness) and Goddess Parvati (Prakarti - Material World).

The 2 Mukhi Rudraksha is believed to control the (Tamasa Guna); leading to peace, positivity, appreciation, sweetness in voice, empathy, care, calmness, balance, self-confidence, and stability of the mind; it is highly beneficial for individuals seeking stable and balanced relationships in love, marriage, harmonious family relations, or compatible partnership.

Due to these qualities, the two-faced Rudraksha, also known as the UNITY Rudraksha, helps harmonize relations between two individuals (Husband-Wife, Couple, Father-Son, Best Friends, & Business Partners).


As per Padma Puran, this Rudraksha is also blessed by Fire God (Agni), absolving the wearer from sin. The wearer or worshipper is also known to get such benefits, generally attained through yajnas and havans. In terms of duality, Ardhanarishvara embodies the concept of complementary opposites, inherent balance, and interplay, and the union and harmony of masculine and feminine energies, highlighting the inseparable and interdependent nature of these polarities.


However, It Ardhanarishvara also transcends duality and represents non-duality or Advaita, symbolizing the ultimate reality beyond gender and distinctions. It signifies the underlying unity of existence where the boundaries of gender, duality, and individual identities dissolve. It represents the inherent oneness of all creation, where the dualities and divisions of the world are transcended.


Ardhanareeshwar Story

In ancient times, there lived a sage named 'Bhringi', renowned for his unwavering devotion to Lord Shiva. Bhringi was a master of various yogic practices and austerities, and he firmly believed that Lord Shiva represented the ultimate reality.


However, Bhringi had a peculiar habit. He would always perform his circumambulation (pradakshina) around Lord Shiva, disregarding Goddess Parvati's presence. One fateful day, Bhringi set out on a pilgrimage to Mount Kailash, the divine abode of Lord Shiva. As he began his customary circumambulation around Lord Shiva, Parvati thought teaching Bhringi a lesson. Goddess Parvati sat on Shiva's lap, making it difficult for Bhringi to go around Shiva alone.


Undeterred, Bhringi assumed the form of a female beetle (Bhringi) and attempted to fly between the small gap between the two. Then Shiva and Parvati united to assume the form of an inseparable Ardhanarishvara. Astonished, Bhringi attempted to bore a hole through them to circumambulate only the deity's half of Shiva; Parvati cursed him, depriving him of his flesh and blood, the symbolic feminine aspect of men.


This curse made him physically weak, which caused him to collapse, unable to support his body.

Bhringi recognized the importance & interdependence of feminine energy for cosmic balance. He prayed to Shiva & Parvati, acquiring a third leg and eventually becoming a 'Maharishi.'


Special Note:
The related controlling planets, related gods, sacred symbolizations, benefits, meanings for each Rudrakshas has been briefly pointed out in Shiv Puran, Shrimad Devibhagwat, Ling Puran, Padam Puran, Skand Puran, Jabalopanishad and other scriptures; over the years rudraksha experiences has been analyzed & elaborated by many Rudraksha Experts with the past experiences they have after giving the rudraksha to the clients. For a person who want to refer as per Indian Numerology 'Ank Jyotish' and further calculates each mukhis representing that specific number, for example 5 Mukhi Rudraksha is believed to be ruled by Jupiter, but as per Indian Numerology Number 5 is associated with Mercury Planet. In a scenario like this, as Rudraksha doesn't gives negative effects to the wearer, simply buy as per his/her believe system or discuss with a Rudraksha Expert.


Specifically as per Indian Numerology 'Ank Jyotish' The Number 2 will be effected by
अंक 2 - Moon (चंद्रमा

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Send us your requirement & we will send you the exact real photo / video of the Spiritual product in stock that you will receive.


Premium 1 Mukhi Rudraksha

1 Mukhi Nepali Savar (Attached)
1 Mukhi Nepali Savar (Detached)
1 Mukhi Nepali Round Alternate
(1 Clear Line Multiple Seed Pockets)
1 Mukhi Moon Shape (Rameshwaram)
1 Mukhi Indonesian
(Small Thick Rice Seeds Type)


Premium 2 Mukhi Rudraksha

2 Mukhi Nepali
2 Mukhi Himalayan (Haridwar)
2 Mukhi (Indonesian)


Premium 3 Mukhi Rudraksha

3 Mukhi Nepali
3 Mukhi Himalayan (Haridwar)
3 Mukhi Indonesian


Premium 4 Mukhi Rudraksha

4 Mukhi Nepali
4 Mukhi Nepali (Awala Size)


Premium 5 Mukhi Rudraksha

5 Mukhi Nepali (Normal Bulk Order only)
5 Mukhi Nepali (Deluxe)
6 Mukhi Nepali (Premium)
5 Mukhi Nepali (Awala Size)
5 Mukhi Nepali (Super Collector Size)
5 Mukhi Nepali (Very Clear Water Beads)


Premium 6 Mukhi Rudraksha

6 Mukhi Nepali (Deluxe)
6 Mukhi Nepali (Premium)
6 Mukhi Nepali (Collector Size)


Premium 7 Mukhi Rudraksha

7 Mukhi Nepali (Deluxe)
7 Mukhi Nepali (Premium)
7 Mukhi Nepali (Collector Size)

Premium 8 Mukhi Rudraksha

8 Mukhi Nepali (Deluxe)
8 Mukhi Nepali (Premium)
8 Mukhi Nepali (Collector Size)


Premium 9 Mukhi Rudraksha

8 Mukhi Nepali (Deluxe)
8 Mukhi Nepali (Premium)
8 Mukhi Nepali (Collector Size)


Premium 10 Mukhi Rudraksha

10 Mukhi Nepali (Deluxe)
10 Mukhi Nepali (Premium)
10 Mukhi Nepali (Collector Size)


Premium 11 Mukhi Rudraksha

11 Mukhi Nepali (Deluxe)
11 Mukhi Nepali (Premium)
11 Mukhi Nepali (Collector Size)


Premium 12 Mukhi Rudraksha

12 Mukhi Nepali (Deluxe)
12 Mukhi Nepali (Premium)
12 Mukhi Nepali (Collector Size)


Premium 13 Mukhi Rudraksha

13 Mukhi Nepali (Deluxe)
13 Mukhi Nepali (Premium)
13 Mukhi Nepali (Collector Size)


Premium 14 Mukhi Rudraksha

14 Mukhi Nepali (Deluxe)
14 Mukhi Nepali (Premium)
14 Mukhi Nepali (Collector Size)

Ganesh Rudraksha

Ganesh Rudraksha (Deluxe)
Ganesh Rudraksha (Premium)
Lakshmi Ganesh (7 Mukhi)


Gauri Shankar

Gauri Shankar Nepali (Premium)
Gauri Shankar (Collector Size)


Garbh Gauri

Gauri Shankar Nepali (Premium)
Gauri Shankar (Collector Size)


Nirakar (Zero Mukhi)

Nirakar Rudraksha (Faceless)


Savar / Naag

1 Mukhi Nepali Savar (Attached)
1 Mukhi Nepali Savar (Detached)


Rudraksha Combinations

For Protection Rudraksha Kavach
For Students Rudraksha Kavach
For Women Rudraksha Kavach
For Wealth Rudraksha Kavach
For Spirituality Rudraksha Kavach
For Attraction Rudraksha Kavach
3 4 5 Special Combo
5 9 Shiv Shakti Special Combo


Odd & Hybrid Rudraksha

For Rudraksha Collectors
Bhadrakshas for Tantra / Havan / Aahuti

B2B / Bulk Buyers

Are you a healer, tarot card reader, reiki teacher, astrologer, numerologist, occult practitioner, pandit high-quality items for your practice or regular selling to your client?


Look no further, we offer B2B rates to all Bulk Buyers!

Our trust also has tie-ups with Temples in India, Temple Outside India, Ashrams, NRI running Convenience Stores, Hippies, anyone dealing in Spiritual Products.

If you are one of them and looking for a trusted reliable supplier for all types of Premium Quality Spiritual Items - Nepali & Indonesian Rudraksha Beads, Jap Malas, Yantra Tantra Mantra Puja Items, Himalayan Herbs, Body Oils, Super Food, Spiritual Art & any customized corporate Spiritual / holistic gift bulk enquiry.


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  • Authenticity & Trust:
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