Premium 8 Mukhi Rudraksha

The ruling deity of 8 mukhi Rudraksha is Lord Ganesha, also known as ‘Vighna Harta'’- the remover of obstacles and Riddhi Siddhi Dayak. Hence, the wearer of this rudraksha can achieve Success in every venture with the blessings of Lord Ganesha. This Rudrakshaa also increases the stability of the mind so that the wearer can remain more peaceful and calm. People desiring to get Name, Fame, and Leadership qualities should wear this Rudraksha.


We also see this Rudraksha associated with the Rahu and thus beneficial for those influenced by Rahu (in Business, Job, Career), Rahu Position (Ucch, Neech, Savrashi, Strong or Weak Yog, Yukti Bhavs) in Horoscope, as per signs in Rahu Mounds (Palmistry), Number 4 / 13 / 22 / 31 Born.


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8 Mukhi Nepali Deluxe

8 Mukhi Nepali Premium

8 Mukhi Nepali Special

8 Mukhi Rudraksha
(Complete Video)

Premium 8 Mukhi Rudraksha
(Eight mukhi)


Who should wear - As per Job, Career or Business?


◊ Technology and Innovation:
Rahu's association with ambition and desire for progress makes it suitable for careers in technology and innovation - IT, software development, research and development, artificial intelligence, or working with cutting-edge technologies.


◊ Entrepreneurship and Startups:
Rahu's influence on ambition and risk-taking makes it favorable for careers in entrepreneurship and startups - business owners, founders, or innovative ventures.


◊ Media and Broadcasting:
Rahu's connection with glamour and desire for recognition makes it suitable for careers in media and broadcasting - journalists, television hosts, media personalities, or advertising and PR.


◊ Politics and Public Relations:
Rahu's association with ambition and desire for power makes it favorable for careers in politics and public relations - politicians, political advisors, lobbyists, or public relations agencies.


◊ Finance and Investment:
Rahu's influence on the desire for material wealth and financial growth makes it suitable for careers in finance and investment - banking, investment management, financial analysis, stockbrokers, or financial advisors.


◊ Occult Sciences and Metaphysics:
Rahu's connection with mystical and hidden knowledge makes it favorable for careers in occult sciences and metaphysics - astrologers, tarot card readers, Spiritual teachers, or working in alternative healing modalities.


◊ Research and Investigation:
Rahu's association with uncovering secrets and hidden truths makes it suitable for careers in research and investigation - forensic science, detective work, intelligence analysis, or scientific research.



General Benefits of 8 Mukhi Rudraksha:

Rahu rules eight Mukhi Rudraksha; it represents desires, ambitions, worldly pursuits, illusions, and the karmic effects of past actions.


• Fulfills Ambition and Desire
• Worldly desires for success and recognition
• Helps in Materialistic accumulation
• Removes Illusions and delusions
• Unconventional Thinking / Out-of-the-box thinking
• Promotes innovation / Challenges established norms
• Calms Obsessions and Addictions
• Saves from Accidental calamities



Health Benefits by 8 Mukhi Rudraksha:

This bead has the power to pacify the malefic effects of its Ruling Planet, Rahu:

• Respiratory Problems / Asthma / Chronic bronchitis
• Skin Allergies / Eczema / Psoriasis / Derma issues
• Testis Problems
• Mental Health Issues / Addiction / Anxiety
• Phobias / Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
• Indigestion / Acidity / Irritable bowel syndrome
• Insomnia / Disturbed sleep / Odd Dreams
• Neurological Disorders - Epilepsy / Migraines
• Snakebites / Insect Bites / Animal Bites



How to Wear 8 Mukhi Rudraksha & 8 Mukhi Mantra

Mantra: Om Hum Namaha, ॐ हुं नमः, Om Namah Shivaya
Ruling Planet: Rahu
Deity: Lord Ganesh, Bhatuk Bhairav




You can see Guru Ji's Youtube Playlist which covers detailed Rudraksha Videos for all mukhis & special:


or Visit Guru Ji's Youtube Channel


When wearing Eight 8 Mukhi Rudraksha, it is essential to follow the prescribed methods and rituals as mentioned in ancient texts and under the guidance of a knowledgeable person. This ensures that the full Spiritual and astrological benefits of the bead are realized.



Some Bad Yuktis & Yogas for Planet Rahu 'Rahu Graha'


  1. Grahan Yoga:
    When Rahu is conjunct with the Sun or the Moon, it can create a yoga known as Grahan Yoga. This yoga can indicate emotional instability, confusion, and mood swings. It may also lead to issues related to the subconscious mind and past-life memories.


  2. Rahu-Mangal Yoga:
    When Rahu is conjunct with Mars (Mangal), it can create a challenging yoga known as Rahu-Mangal Yoga. This yoga can indicate impulsiveness, aggression, and conflict. It may also lead to accidents, injuries, and surgeries.


  3. Rahu-Shani Yoga:
    When Rahu is conjunct with Saturn (Shani), it can create a yoga known as Rahu-Shani Yoga. This yoga can indicate delays, obstacles, and challenges in life. It may also lead to periods of isolation, depression, and feelings of restriction.


  4. Rahu-Drishti Yoga:
    When Rahu aspects or influences certain houses or planets in the birth chart, it can create Rahu-Drishti Yoga. This yoga can indicate challenges and distortions related to the significations of the affected houses or planets.


  5. Kala Sarpa Dosha:
    When all the planets are positioned between Rahu and Ketu in the birth chart, it forms a Kala Sarpa Dosha. This dosha is considered challenging and can indicate intense and transformative life experiences.

Secrets of 8 Mukhi
'Riddhi Siddhi Dayak Ganesha'
by Guru Aum Sushant

Pauranic sources claim it can erase deceit, such as passing off poor-quality rice as genuine, keeping false weights and measures, etc. One of the most crucial effects of this rudraksha is that it removes obstacles so that the wearer can achieve Success quickly, thereby leading to a happier life. As per Rudrakshajabalopanishad, it is a form of eight mother goddesses, eight Vasus and Ganga, and all three bless the wearer. It improves intelligence and health. It also gives the wearer an analytical mind, understanding, and writing skills.


The life energy force that is Lord Ganesha moves and removes all obstacles in life - like difficulty in finishing planned, organized projects, interruptions in life-limiting progress, losing business in contract negotiations, losing debates, feelings of frustration and anger due to lack of progress and problems with obstacles in life that limit freedom of action

Some tantric traditions and folklore scriptures are also associated with Bhatuk Bhairav.


Lord Ganesha

In these Puranic accounts, Goddess Parvati, the consort of Lord Shiva, is said to have created Lord Ganesha out of her divine essence and given him life. She appointed Ganesha as her guardian and granted him immense wisdom and power. When Lord Shiva attempted to enter Parvati's abode, Ganesha, faithfully following his mother's instructions, stopped him. This led to a confrontation between Shiva and Ganesha, resulting in Ganesha's head being severed. Upon realizing the mistake, Lord Shiva instructed his attendants to find the head of the first living being they encountered facing north. They came across an elephant and brought its head, which Lord Shiva then placed upon Ganesha's body, restoring his life and making him the elephant-headed deity we know today.


Devotees seek Lord Ganesha's blessings before initiating any new venture or endeavor, as he is believed to grant success, prosperity, and intellectual clarity. His worship and mantras are performed to invoke his divine grace, remove impediments, and ensure the smooth flow of positive energy in one's life.



Asht Bhairav: Bhatuk Bhairav

Bhatuk Bhairav is believed to be an incarnation or manifestation of Lord Shiva. He is depicted as a young boy with a fierce and terrifying appearance, often adorned with a garland of human skulls and carrying a trident or other weapons, who swiftly responds to the calls of his devotees. People who seek his blessings and protection often perform specific rituals and offer prayers to him. It is believed that Bhatuk Bhairav grants courage, strength, and Spiritual transformation to those who approach him with sincerity and devotion.



Rahu & Ketu

Long ago, the gods (Devas) and demons (Asuras) desired to attain the elixir of immortality, known as Amrita. To obtain it, they decided to churn the cosmic ocean, which required them to use Mount Mandara as the churning rod and the serpent Vasuki as the rope. As the churning began, a divine chariot emerged from the ocean, drawn by horses. Within the chariot sat a mystical being named Mohini, an enchanting female form of Lord Vishnu. Mohini took charge of distributing the Amrita to the Devas. One Asura named ‘Swarbhanu’, disguised himself as a Deva and managed to sit amongst them to receive the elixir. However, the Sun god Surya and the Moon god Chandra noticed his deception and alerted Lord Vishnu. Vishnu swiftly severed Swarbhanu's head before the Amrita reached his throat.


The severed head became Rahu, and the body became Ketu. They were granted immortal existence but were forever separated from their desired immortality. Hence, Rahu and Ketu are known as the "shadow planets" in Vedic astrology. Rahu is depicted as a head without a body, representing illusion, desires, materialism, and obsession. It is associated with worldly desires and ambitions, and its influence can bring both positive and negative outcomes in one's life.


On the other hand, Ketu is depicted as a headless body, symbolizing detachment, Spirituality, and liberation. It represents renunciation, selflessness, and the transcendence of worldly attachments. Ketu's influence can bring introspection, enlightenment, and Spiritual growth.



Special Note:
The related controlling planets, related gods, sacred symbolizations, benefits, meanings for each Rudrakshas has been briefly pointed out in Shiv Puran, Shrimad Devibhagwat, Ling Puran, Padam Puran, Skand Puran, Jabalopanishad and other scriptures; over the years rudraksha experiences has been analyzed & elaborated by many Rudraksha Experts with the past experiences they have after giving the rudraksha to the clients. For a person who want to refer as per Indian Numerology 'Ank Jyotish' and further calculates each mukhis representing that specific number, for example 5 Mukhi Rudraksha is believed to be ruled by Jupiter, but as per Indian Numerology Number 5 is associated with Mercury Planet. In a scenario like this, as Rudraksha doesn't gives negative effects to the wearer, simply buy as per his/her believe system or discuss with a Rudraksha Expert.


Specifically as per Indian Numerology 'Ank Jyotish' The Number 8 will be effected by
अंक 8 - Saturn (शनि

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Premium 1 Mukhi Rudraksha

1 Mukhi Nepali Savar (Attached)
1 Mukhi Nepali Savar (Detached)
1 Mukhi Nepali Round Alternate
(1 Clear Line Multiple Seed Pockets)
1 Mukhi Moon Shape (Rameshwaram)
1 Mukhi Indonesian
(Small Thick Rice Seeds Type)


Premium 2 Mukhi Rudraksha

2 Mukhi Nepali
2 Mukhi Himalayan (Haridwar)
2 Mukhi (Indonesian)


Premium 3 Mukhi Rudraksha

3 Mukhi Nepali
3 Mukhi Himalayan (Haridwar)
3 Mukhi Indonesian


Premium 4 Mukhi Rudraksha

4 Mukhi Nepali
4 Mukhi Nepali (Awala Size)


Premium 5 Mukhi Rudraksha

5 Mukhi Nepali (Normal Bulk Order only)
5 Mukhi Nepali (Deluxe)
6 Mukhi Nepali (Premium)
5 Mukhi Nepali (Awala Size)
5 Mukhi Nepali (Super Collector Size)
5 Mukhi Nepali (Very Clear Water Beads)


Premium 6 Mukhi Rudraksha

6 Mukhi Nepali (Deluxe)
6 Mukhi Nepali (Premium)
6 Mukhi Nepali (Collector Size)


Premium 7 Mukhi Rudraksha

7 Mukhi Nepali (Deluxe)
7 Mukhi Nepali (Premium)
7 Mukhi Nepali (Collector Size)

Premium 8 Mukhi Rudraksha

8 Mukhi Nepali (Deluxe)
8 Mukhi Nepali (Premium)
8 Mukhi Nepali (Collector Size)


Premium 9 Mukhi Rudraksha

8 Mukhi Nepali (Deluxe)
8 Mukhi Nepali (Premium)
8 Mukhi Nepali (Collector Size)


Premium 10 Mukhi Rudraksha

10 Mukhi Nepali (Deluxe)
10 Mukhi Nepali (Premium)
10 Mukhi Nepali (Collector Size)


Premium 11 Mukhi Rudraksha

11 Mukhi Nepali (Deluxe)
11 Mukhi Nepali (Premium)
11 Mukhi Nepali (Collector Size)


Premium 12 Mukhi Rudraksha

12 Mukhi Nepali (Deluxe)
12 Mukhi Nepali (Premium)
12 Mukhi Nepali (Collector Size)


Premium 13 Mukhi Rudraksha

13 Mukhi Nepali (Deluxe)
13 Mukhi Nepali (Premium)
13 Mukhi Nepali (Collector Size)


Premium 14 Mukhi Rudraksha

14 Mukhi Nepali (Deluxe)
14 Mukhi Nepali (Premium)
14 Mukhi Nepali (Collector Size)

Ganesh Rudraksha

Ganesh Rudraksha (Deluxe)
Ganesh Rudraksha (Premium)
Lakshmi Ganesh (7 Mukhi)


Gauri Shankar

Gauri Shankar Nepali (Premium)
Gauri Shankar (Collector Size)


Garbh Gauri

Gauri Shankar Nepali (Premium)
Gauri Shankar (Collector Size)


Nirakar (Zero Mukhi)

Nirakar Rudraksha (Faceless)


Savar / Naag

1 Mukhi Nepali Savar (Attached)
1 Mukhi Nepali Savar (Detached)


Rudraksha Combinations

For Protection Rudraksha Kavach
For Students Rudraksha Kavach
For Women Rudraksha Kavach
For Wealth Rudraksha Kavach
For Spirituality Rudraksha Kavach
For Attraction Rudraksha Kavach
3 4 5 Special Combo
5 9 Shiv Shakti Special Combo


Odd & Hybrid Rudraksha

For Rudraksha Collectors
Bhadrakshas for Tantra / Havan / Aahuti

B2B / Bulk Buyers

Are you a healer, tarot card reader, reiki teacher, astrologer, numerologist, occult practitioner, pandit high-quality items for your practice or regular selling to your client?


Look no further, we offer B2B rates to all Bulk Buyers!

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If you are one of them and looking for a trusted reliable supplier for all types of Premium Quality Spiritual Items - Nepali & Indonesian Rudraksha Beads, Jap Malas, Yantra Tantra Mantra Puja Items, Himalayan Herbs, Body Oils, Super Food, Spiritual Art & any customized corporate Spiritual / holistic gift bulk enquiry.


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