Premium Gauri Shankar Rudraksha

The Gaurishankar Rudraksha holds profound significance as a divine bead formed by the union of two Rudraksha beads, symbolizing the harmonious merging of Lord Shiva and Shakti. It carries the essence of divine love, fostering a deep sense of unity, abundance, positivity, harmony, and emotional well-being within families and relationships. This sacred Rudraksha is also believed to radiate the positive energies of the Moon - nurturing and calming aspects of cosmic energy, influences our emotions, love, compassion, and forgiveness. It acts as a protective shield, guarding against negative energies and unforeseen adversities, providing a sense of security and stability.


The Gauri Shankar Rudraksha is renowned for its blessings as the "Ardh Nariswar," symbolizing both Shiva and Parvati. It is associated with the element of Fire & Ice, offering the benefits of its unified masculine & Feminine energy. This Rudraksha is revered for its ability to enhance family life, relationships, and marital success. It fosters harmony in various relationships and is worn for both material and Spiritual gains, including finding a suitable life partner and reducing relationship stress.


Please do keep in mind that Nepali 2 Mukhi is rare and hence expensive.


We also see this Rudraksha associated with the Sun and thus beneficial for those influenced by Moon (in Business, Job, Career), Moon / Chanrda Position (Ucch, Neech, Savrashi, Strong or Weak Yog Yukti Bhavs, Poornima, Amavasya) in Horoscope, as per signs in Moon Mounds (Palmistry), Moon Rashi (Cancer), Moon Nakshatras, Number 2 / 11 / 20 Born.


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Gauri Shankar Rudraksha Deluxe

Gauri Shankar Rudraksha Premium

Gauri Shankar Rudraksha Special

Gauri Shankar Rudraksha
(Complete Video)

Premium Gauri Shankar Rudraksha
(Gauri Shankar Mukhi)


Gauri Shankar for Love, Couple, Husband Wife, Partners

Beyond its protective qualities, the Gaurishankar Rudraksha holds transformative potential for relationships. It promotes balance and understanding between partners, parents, and children, facilitating open communication and resolving conflicts.


This sacred bead is known to heal emotional wounds, offering solace from stress, anxiety, and emotional turmoil. Additionally, it is believed to aid in fertility, balance consciousness, and promote respect and belief. Business development, prosperity, and sound decision-making are also attributed to its influence, making it a choice for individuals seeking worldly success and enlightenment.



General Benefits of Gauri Shankar Rudraksha:

• Martial Bliss / Bringing harmony
• Unity & Peace in the family
• Better holistic relationships
• Healing past love traumas
• Helps save relationship, breakup, divorce
• Lucky partnerships in business
• Success, prosperity, and happiness
• Couple in love to identify one another
• Unmarried persons get a proper match



How to Wear Gauri Shankar & Gauri Shankar Rudraksha Mantra

Mantra: Om Gaurishankaraya Namah, ॐ गौरीशंकराय नमः, Om Namah Shivaya
Ruling Planet: Moon
Deity: Shiv & Shakti




You can see Guru Ji's Youtube Playlist which covers detailed Rudraksha Videos for all mukhis & special:


or Visit Guru Ji's Youtube Channel


When wearing Do Mukhi Rudraksha, it is essential to follow the prescribed methods and rituals as mentioned in ancient texts and under the guidance of a knowledgeable person. This ensures that the full Spiritual and astrological benefits of the bead are realized.



Some Main Problems in Couples, Lovers & Partners Kundali


Separation or Divorce (Vidhva Yoga/Randva Yoga):

This yoga indicates the possibility of widowhood or separation due to the death of a spouse or partner. It is often seen when malefic planets such as Saturn or Mars influence the 7th house (house of marriage) or its lord. It can occur due to malefic influences on the 7th house or its lord, or if the 7th lord is debilitated or afflicted by malefic planets.

Love and Relationship Challenges:

Malefic planets (Saturn, Mars, Rahu, Ketu) influencing the 5th house (house of romance) or its lord can indicate challenges in love relationships, such as breakups, misunderstandings, or unrequited love. Retrograde planets in the 5th or 7th house can also indicate difficulties in relationships, including delays in finding love or disruptions in existing relationships.

Ex-Lovers and Past Relationships:

The 8th house (house of transformations) and its lord's influence on the 5th or 7th house can indicate connections with past lovers or unresolved issues from previous relationships affecting current ones.

Disputes and Challenges in Relationships:
Saturn, Rahu, Ketu aspect or conjunction with the 7th house or its lord can indicate delays, obstacles, or challenges in relationships, leading to disputes or misunderstandings.
Mars' Influence: Mars' influence on the 7th house or its lord can indicate conflicts, aggression, or impulsiveness in relationships, leading to disputes or separations if not managed carefully.


Delay in marriage:
Navamsa Chart: The placement of the 7th house lord and Venus in the Navamsa chart (D9 chart) is also important. Afflictions or debilitations in the Navamsa chart can delay marriage.

Saturn Influence, Malefic Influences, Combustion, Retrograde Planets, Afflicted 7th House, Weak 7th Lord, Saturn-Rahu/Ketu Combinations


Extramarital Affairs:

Placement of Venus and Mars: Afflictions to Venus (planet of love) and Mars (planet of passion) in the birth chart can indicate a tendency towards extramarital relationships.

Affliction to 7th House/Lord: Malefic influences on the 7th house (house of marriage) or its lord can lead to dissatisfaction in marriage, potentially leading to extramarital affairs.

Moon-Saturn Conjunction or Aspect: Moon (mind) in conjunction or aspect with Saturn (restriction) can indicate emotional dissatisfaction, leading to seeking comfort outside marriage.


Separation / Spouse living Separately:

Affliction to 4th and 12th Houses: Afflictions to the 4th house (home) and 12th house (loss) can indicate separation or living away from the spouse.

Rahu/Ketu Influence: Rahu's influence on the 7th house or its lord can create misunderstandings and conflicts, leading to separation.

Transits and Dasha: Malefic transits or dasha periods of planets can trigger separative tendencies in relationships.


Second Marriage Yogas:

Placement of 7th Lord: If the 7th lord is placed in a dual sign or associated with dual-natured planets (like Mercury), it can indicate the likelihood of a second marriage.

Venus and Jupiter Connection: Benefic aspects or conjunctions of Venus and Jupiter can indicate a harmonious second marriage.

7th House and Navamsa Chart: Afflictions to the 7th house in both the birth chart and Navamsa (D9) chart can indicate the possibility of a second marriage.


Going to Prostitutes, Hypersexuality, Bad Sexual Habits
Affliction to Venus: Venus is the planet of love and relationships. Afflictions to Venus, such as being in conjunction with malefic planets or being debilitated, can indicate challenges or imbalances in relationships, including sexual behavior.Affliction to 8th House/Lord: The 8th house in the birth chart represents sexual behavior and transformations. Afflictions to the 8th house or its lord can indicate challenges or extremes in sexual behavior.

Secrets of Gauri Shankar Rudraksha
'Aardhnarishwara & Science'
by Guru Aum Sushant

The 'Aardhnarishwara story has been mentioned in 2 Mukhi Rudraksha, if you are interested go and check it.

In the heart of Hindu mythology lies the captivating tale of Ardhanarishwara, the divine embodiment of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati in a single form, representing the harmonious blend of masculine and feminine energies. While this captivating image is deeply rooted in Spiritual beliefs, it also offers a profound reflection of biological truths that govern life.

At the core of biological life are chromosomes, the intricate strands of DNA that carry our genetic information. Humans typically possess 23 pairs of chromosomes, including two sex chromosomes that determine gender. Females have two X chromosomes (XX), while males have one X and one Y chromosome (XY).


The union of chromosomes from both parents during fertilization mirrors the divine dance of Ardhanarishwara, where Shiva and Parvati unite to create life. This process highlights the genetic unity of all humans, regardless of gender, as both sexes share the same set of genes and chromosomes, with variations occurring in the sex chromosomes.


In the early stages of embryonic development, all embryos possess the potential to develop structures characteristic of both sexes. It is the intricate interplay of hormonal signals that eventually determine the differentiation of these structures into male or female genitalia, echoing the concept of balance and transformation embodied by Ardhanarishwara.


The symbolism of Ardhanarishwara extends beyond biology, reflecting a deeper truth about the nature of existence. It reminds us of the interconnectedness of all life forms and the inherent balance that sustains the universe. Just as Shiva and Parvati are inseparable, so too are the masculine and feminine energies that permeate our world, reminding us of the divine harmony that underlies all creation.


As we ponder the mysteries of life and existence, let us be inspired by the image of Ardhanarishwara, a timeless symbol of unity and balance, bridging the realms of Spirituality and science in a dance of cosmic significance.



Special Note:
The related controlling planets, related gods, sacred symbolizations, benefits, meanings for each Rudrakshas has been briefly pointed out in Shiv Puran, Shrimad Devibhagwat, Ling Puran, Padam Puran, Skand Puran, Jabalopanishad and other scriptures; over the years rudraksha experiences has been analyzed & elaborated by many Rudraksha Experts with the past experiences they have after giving the rudraksha to the clients. For a person who want to refer as per Indian Numerology 'Ank Jyotish' and further calculates each mukhis representing that specific number, for example 5 Mukhi Rudraksha is believed to be ruled by Jupiter, but as per Indian Numerology Number 5 is associated with Mercury Planet. In a scenario like this, as Rudraksha doesn't gives negative effects to the wearer, simply buy as per his/her believe system or discuss with a Rudraksha Expert.

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Premium 1 Mukhi Rudraksha

1 Mukhi Nepali Savar (Attached)
1 Mukhi Nepali Savar (Detached)
1 Mukhi Nepali Round Alternate
(1 Clear Line Multiple Seed Pockets)
1 Mukhi Moon Shape (Rameshwaram)
1 Mukhi Indonesian
(Small Thick Rice Seeds Type)


Premium 2 Mukhi Rudraksha

2 Mukhi Nepali
2 Mukhi Himalayan (Haridwar)
2 Mukhi (Indonesian)


Premium 3 Mukhi Rudraksha

3 Mukhi Nepali
3 Mukhi Himalayan (Haridwar)
3 Mukhi Indonesian


Premium 4 Mukhi Rudraksha

4 Mukhi Nepali
4 Mukhi Nepali (Awala Size)


Premium 5 Mukhi Rudraksha

5 Mukhi Nepali (Normal Bulk Order only)
5 Mukhi Nepali (Deluxe)
6 Mukhi Nepali (Premium)
5 Mukhi Nepali (Awala Size)
5 Mukhi Nepali (Super Collector Size)
5 Mukhi Nepali (Very Clear Water Beads)


Premium 6 Mukhi Rudraksha

6 Mukhi Nepali (Deluxe)
6 Mukhi Nepali (Premium)
6 Mukhi Nepali (Collector Size)


Premium 7 Mukhi Rudraksha

7 Mukhi Nepali (Deluxe)
7 Mukhi Nepali (Premium)
7 Mukhi Nepali (Collector Size)

Premium 8 Mukhi Rudraksha

8 Mukhi Nepali (Deluxe)
8 Mukhi Nepali (Premium)
8 Mukhi Nepali (Collector Size)


Premium 9 Mukhi Rudraksha

8 Mukhi Nepali (Deluxe)
8 Mukhi Nepali (Premium)
8 Mukhi Nepali (Collector Size)


Premium 10 Mukhi Rudraksha

10 Mukhi Nepali (Deluxe)
10 Mukhi Nepali (Premium)
10 Mukhi Nepali (Collector Size)


Premium 11 Mukhi Rudraksha

11 Mukhi Nepali (Deluxe)
11 Mukhi Nepali (Premium)
11 Mukhi Nepali (Collector Size)


Premium 12 Mukhi Rudraksha

12 Mukhi Nepali (Deluxe)
12 Mukhi Nepali (Premium)
12 Mukhi Nepali (Collector Size)


Premium 13 Mukhi Rudraksha

13 Mukhi Nepali (Deluxe)
13 Mukhi Nepali (Premium)
13 Mukhi Nepali (Collector Size)


Premium 14 Mukhi Rudraksha

14 Mukhi Nepali (Deluxe)
14 Mukhi Nepali (Premium)
14 Mukhi Nepali (Collector Size)

Ganesh Rudraksha

Ganesh Rudraksha (Deluxe)
Ganesh Rudraksha (Premium)
Lakshmi Ganesh (7 Mukhi)


Gauri Shankar

Gauri Shankar Nepali (Premium)
Gauri Shankar (Collector Size)


Garbh Gauri

Gauri Shankar Nepali (Premium)
Gauri Shankar (Collector Size)


Nirakar (Zero Mukhi)

Nirakar Rudraksha (Faceless)


Savar / Naag

1 Mukhi Nepali Savar (Attached)
1 Mukhi Nepali Savar (Detached)


Rudraksha Combinations

For Protection Rudraksha Kavach
For Students Rudraksha Kavach
For Women Rudraksha Kavach
For Wealth Rudraksha Kavach
For Spirituality Rudraksha Kavach
For Attraction Rudraksha Kavach
3 4 5 Special Combo
5 9 Shiv Shakti Special Combo


Odd & Hybrid Rudraksha

For Rudraksha Collectors
Bhadrakshas for Tantra / Havan / Aahuti

B2B / Bulk Buyers

Are you a healer, tarot card reader, reiki teacher, astrologer, numerologist, occult practitioner, pandit high-quality items for your practice or regular selling to your client?


Look no further, we offer B2B rates to all Bulk Buyers!

Our trust also has tie-ups with Temples in India, Temple Outside India, Ashrams, NRI running Convenience Stores, Hippies, anyone dealing in Spiritual Products.

If you are one of them and looking for a trusted reliable supplier for all types of Premium Quality Spiritual Items - Nepali & Indonesian Rudraksha Beads, Jap Malas, Yantra Tantra Mantra Puja Items, Himalayan Herbs, Body Oils, Super Food, Spiritual Art & any customized corporate Spiritual / holistic gift bulk enquiry.


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