Rashi vs Nakshatra
Rashi (राशि) vs Nakshatra (नक्षत्र) भारतीय राशि और नक्षत्रों का सामान्य रूप से एक साथ काम करने का तरीका है, लेकिन वे अलग-अलग रूप से काम कर सकते हैं। राशि एक चक्र का हिस्सा है जो सूर्य की गति पर आधारित है और 12 भागों में बाँटा गया है, जबकि नक्षत्र चंद्रमा के साथ संबंधित हैं और सिर्फ़ 27 भागों में बाँटे गए हैं। राशियां ज्योतिष में महत्वपूर्ण होती हैं क्योंकि वे व्यक्ति की प्रवृत्ति, स्वभाव, और जीवन के विभिन्न पहलुओं का विश्लेषण करने में मदद करती हैं, जबकि नक्षत्र व्यक्ति के जीवन में उसकी पुनर्जन्म की प्रेरणा, कर्म, और भाग्य को प्रभावित कर सकते हैं।
In Vedic astrology, the 27 Nakshatras are lunar constellations that form the basis of the lunar zodiac. Each Nakshatra spans 13 degrees and 20 minutes of the zodiac. Here is a list of the 27 Nakshatras, their ruling deities, ruling planets, and main features:
27 Nakshtras
In Vedic astrology, the 27 Nakshatras are lunar constellations that form the basis of the lunar zodiac. Each Nakshatra spans 13 degrees and 20 minutes of the zodiac. According to Hindu mythology, all the 27 Nakshatras are Daksha’s daughters, and Moon is married to each of them. The Moon spends nearby one day each in one constellation, and the lunar month has approximately 27 days, which is equal to the numbers of Nakshatras. All 27 Nakshatras List, Their Lords, with The Basic Qualities Each Nakshatra has its basic quality and traits and has a specific Nakshatra Lord:
Laghu or Kshipra (swift)
Ashwini, Pushya, Hasta
Ketu, Saturn, Moon
Mridu (tender)
Mrigashira, Chitra, Anuradha, Revati
Mars, Mars, Saturn, Mercury
Sthira (fixed)
Rohini, Uttara Phalguni, Uttara Ashada, Uttara Bhadrapada
Moon, Sun, Sun, Saturn
Chara (movable)
Punarvasu, Swati, Shravana, Dhanishta, Shatabisha
Jupiter, Rahu, Moon, Mars, Rahu
Tikshna (sharp)
Ardra, Ashlesha, Jyeshtha, Moola
Rahu, Mercury, Mercury, Ketu
Ugra or Krura (fierce)
Bharani, Magha, Purva Phalguni, Purva Ashada, Purva Bhadrapada
Venus, Ketu, Venus, Venus, Jupiter
Misra (mixed)
Krittika, Vishakha
Sun, Jupiter
(नक्षत्र, शासक भगवान, सत्तारूढ़ गृह, प्रभाव, प्रतीक)
#1 Ashwini (अश्विनी)
Ruling Deity: Ashwini Kumaras (the horse-headed twins)
Ruling Planet: Ketu
Main Features: Associated with healing and medicine
Symbolized by a horse’s head.
घोड़े का सिर
#2 Bharani (भरणी)
Ruling Deity: Yama (the god of death)
Ruling Planet: Venus
Main Features: Associated with birth, death, and transformation,
Symbolized by a womb.
#3 Krittika (कृत्तिका)
Ruling Deity: Agni (the god of fire)
Ruling Planet: Sun
Main Features: Associated with cutting, piercing, and sharp objects,
Symbolized by a knife or spear.
#4 Rohini (रोहिणी)
Ruling Deity: Brahma (the creator)
Ruling Planet: Moon
Main Features: Associated with fertility, growth, and beauty,
Symbolized by a chariot.
गाड़ी, मंदिर, बरगद का पेड़
#5 Mrigashira (मृगशीर्षा)
Ruling Deity: Soma (the moon god)
Ruling Planet: Mars
Main Features: Associated with searching and seeking,
Symbolized by a deer’s head.
हिरण का सिर
#6 Ardra (आर्द्रा)
Ruling Deity: Rudra (the storm god)
Ruling Planet: Rahu
Main Features: Associated with storms, destruction, and purification
Symbolized by a teardrop.
अश्रु, हीरा, एक मानव सिर
#7 Punarvasu (पुनर्वसु)
Ruling Deity: Aditi (the mother of all gods)
Ruling Planet: Jupiter
Main Features: Associated with renewal, rejuvenation, and abundance,
Symbolized by a quiver of arrows.
झुको और तरकश करो
#8 Pushya (पुष्य)
Ruling Deity: Brihaspati (the teacher of the gods)
Ruling Planet: Saturn
Main Features: Associated with nourishment, protection, and care,
Symbolized by a cow’s udder.
गाय का थन, कमल, बाण और चक्र
#9 Ashlesha (आश्लेषा)
Ruling Deity: Naga (the serpent deity)
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Main Features: Associated with clinging, embracing, and entwining,
Symbolized by a coiled snake.
#10 Magha (मघा)
Ruling Deity: Pitris (the ancestors)
Ruling Planet: Ketu
Main Features: Associated with honor, respect, and legacy,
Symbolized by a throne.
शाही सिंहासन
#11 Purva Phalguni (पूर्वफाल्गुनी)
Ruling Deity: Bhaga (the god of delight)
Ruling Planet: Venus
Main Features: Associated with pleasure, enjoyment, and romance,
Symbolized by a hammock.
बिस्तर के सामने का पैर, झूला, अंजीर का पेड़
#12 Uttara Phalguni (उत्तरफाल्गुनी)
Ruling Deity: Aryaman (the god of contracts)
Ruling Planet: Sun
Main Features: Associated with social responsibility, commitment, and contracts,
Symbolized by a bed or a cot.
पलंग के चार पैर, झूला
#13 Hasta (हस्त)
Ruling Deity: Savitar (the sun god)
Ruling Planet: Moon
Main Features: Associated with skill, craftsmanship, and hands-on work,
Symbolized by a hand or a fist.
हाथ या मुट्ठी
#14 Chitra (चित्रा)
Ruling Deity: Vishvakarma (the celestial architect)
Ruling Planet: Mars
Main Features: Associated with creativity, artistry, and design,
Symbolized by a bright jewel or a pearl.
चमकीला गहना या मोती
#15 Swati (स्वाति)
Ruling Deity: Vayu (the wind god)
Ruling Planet: Rahu
Main Features: Associated with freedom, movement, and independence,
Symbolized by a sword.
पौधे का अंकुर, मूंगा
#16 Vishakha (विशाखा)
Ruling Deity: Indra (the king of gods)
Ruling Planet: Jupiter
Main Features: Associated with determination, focus, and achievement,
Symbolized by a triumphal archway.
विजयी मेहराब, कुम्हार का पहिया
#17 Anuradha (अनुराधा)
Ruling Deity: Mitra (the god of friendship)
Ruling Planet: Saturn
Main Features: Associated with friendship, cooperation, and alliances,
Symbolized by a lotus flower.
विजयी मेहराब, कमल
#18 Jyeshtha (ज्येष्ठा)
Ruling Deity: Indra (the king of gods)
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Main Features: Associated with seniority, authority, and wisdom,
Symbolized by an earring.
गोलाकार ताबीज, छाता और बालियाँ
#19 Mula (मूल)
Ruling Deity: Nirriti (the goddess of destruction)
Ruling Planet: Ketu
Main Features: Associated with destruction, transformation, and renewal,
Symbolized by a bunch of roots tied together.
जड़ों का गुच्छा एक साथ बंधा हुआ, हाथी का बकरा
#20 Purva Ashadha (पूर्वाषाढ़ा)
Ruling Deity: Apas (the water deity)
Ruling Planet: Venus
Main Features: Associated with aspirations, goals, and achievements,
Symbolized by a fan or a winnowing basket.
हाथी का दाँत, पंखा, सूप की टोकरी
#21 Uttara Ashadha (उत्तराषाढ़ा)
Ruling Deity: Vishvadevas (the universal gods)
Ruling Planet: Sun
Main Features: Associated with invincibility, victory, and triumph,
Symbolized by an elephant tusk or a plough.
हाथी का दाँत
#22 Shravana (श्रवण)
Ruling Deity: Vishnu (the preserver)
Ruling Planet: Moon
Main Features: Associated with listening, learning, and communication,
Symbolized by an ear.
कान या तीन पैरों के निशान
#23 Dhanishta (धनिष्ठा)
Ruling Deity: Vasus (the eight elemental deities)
Ruling Planet: Mars
Main Features: Associated with wealth, prosperity, and abundance,
Symbolized by a drum or a flute.
ढोल या बांसुरी
#24 Shatabhisha (शतभिषा)
Ruling Deity: Varuna (the god of the cosmic waters)
Ruling Planet: Rahu
Main Features: Associated with healing, rejuvenation, and purification,
Symbolized by an empty circle or a hundred physicians.
खाली घेरा, फूल या तारे
#25 Purva Bhadrapada (पूर्वभाद्रपदा)
Ruling Deity: Aja Ekapada (the one-footed goat)
Ruling Planet: Jupiter
Main Features: Associated with enlightenment, sacrifice, and Spiritual growth
Symbolized by a sword or a two-faced man.
तलवारें, या खाट के दो अगले पैर, दो पंखों वाला एक आदमी
#26 Uttara Bhadrapada (उत्तरभाद्रपदा)
Ruling Deity: Ahirbudhnya (the serpent of the deep)
Ruling Planet: Saturn
Main Features: Associated with mysticism, hidden knowledge, and transformation
Symbolized by a serpent or a teardrop.
जुड़वाँ बच्चे, खाट के पिछले पैर, पानी में साँप
#27 Revati (रेवती)
Ruling Deity: Pushan (the nourisher)
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Main Features: Associated with nourishment, protection, and guidance,
Symbolized by a fish or a drum.
मछली का जोड़ा, ढोल
Abhijit is considered as the 28th nakshatra in some traditions, although it is not officially recognized as one of the 27 nakshatras in Vedic astrology. Abhijit is a unique nakshatra that spans the last degrees of Uttara Ashadha and the initial degrees of Shravana. It is said to be a powerful and auspicious nakshatra associated with success, prosperity, and victory.

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