Chakra Meditation
7 Chakra Meditation for Inner Harmony & Wellness

Kundalini: The Coiled Serpent

Kundalini, a Sanskrit term meaning "coiled," refers to the dormant Spiritual energy believed to be located at the base of the spine. In the yogic tradition, Kundalini is depicted as a serpent coiled three and a half times around the base of the spine, ready to be awakened and ascend through the chakras, the body's energy centers.

The awakening of Kundalini is said to bring about a profound transformation in an individual's consciousness, leading to Spiritual enlightenment and union with the divine. This process is often described as a powerful Spiritual experience, accompanied by intense sensations and altered states of consciousness.

The union of Shiva and Shakti, known as "Shiv Shakti Ek Roop", represents the cosmic union of masculine and feminine energies. Shiva symbolizes the pure consciousness or the transcendental aspect of reality, while Shakti represents the dynamic, creative energy of the universe. The union of Shiva and Shakti is seen as the ultimate union of opposites, resulting in the creation, preservation, and destruction of the universe.

Both Kundalini and the union of Shiva and Shakti are central concepts in various Spiritual traditions, including Tantra and Yoga. They symbolize the journey of self-discovery, transformation, and the realization of one's true nature.


Kundalini Market: Don't get Fooled

There are numerous establishments, organizations, and individuals offering experiences of Kundalini awakening, each with their own methods and pricing. However, many of these are misleading people under the guise of Kundalini. In Pune, for instance, there is a Tantrik who claims to awaken Kundalini in a day course for a fee of Rs. 11000. Similarly, in Goa, Bali, Rishikesh, Himachal & Varanasi, there are numerous institutions offering Kundalini yoga programs that promise to awaken your Kundalini in 7 days, 21 Day, 28 Days, even going beyond and giving certificate of Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training :)

Just WOW!!!
Kundalini is a soap bar goto a shop, give money and buy it..
and then rub on your body and dissolve in the cosmic bliss & ecstasy...

It's funny, puzzling & heart breaking that how Kundalini Yoga has become a commodified product, marketing phenomenon, attracting people from far and wide who are willing to pay a significant sum to have their Kundalini awakened. In our consumer-driven society, even Spiritual experiences are packaged and sold like instant 2 minute noodles, readily available for purchase.


Starting Kundalini Yoga with a seed of Greed!!

Let me break your heart & cancel out 99% of our potential paying yoga students who think becoming a Certified Kundalini Yoga Teachers in a month.


No, dear Spiritual seekers, we cannot tell lies just to extract money, we cannot make you Kundalini Yoga Teacher in a month, Mastering Kundalini Sadhna needs years of practise...


Our 200 Hr Kundalini program is an indepth Sadhna (Training) to learn about Hatha Yoga, Indepth Kundalini Theory, Shiv Shakti Union, Chakra Practicals & Kundalini Tantra Secrets.

After the 200 Hrs course, you need to practise and progress each chakra by chakra, you have to remain in online / offline contact with Guru Ji for your Kundalini progress, Sadkah Experience & Guidance...

Specific practices and concepts related to Kundalini awakening. Here are the 5 key practices often associated with Kundalini awakening in various Spiritual traditions:


  1. #1 Shaktipat Kundalini (Guru Kripa Focus):

    This is a transfer of Spiritual energy from a guru to a disciple, awakening the Kundalini energy. It is believed to be a direct and powerful method for initiating the Kundalini process. It is believed that through Shaktipat, the dormant Spiritual energy at the base of the spine (kundalini) is awakened and guided through the chakras, leading to Spiritual enlightenment.

    The process of Shaktipat can vary depending on the tradition and the teacher. It may involve physical touch, such as a gentle touch on the head or a specific energy transmission gesture (mudra), or it can be transmitted through a look, special guru mantra, or even from a distance. The effect of Shaktipat can be immediate or gradual, and it is said to initiate a transformative process in the individual, leading to Spiritual growth and awakening.

    Kundalini jagran, or awakening of the kundalini, is the result of Shaktipat and refers to the rising of the Kundalini energy from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. This awakening is believed to purify the energy channels (nadis) and chakras, leading to higher states of consciousness, Spiritual experiences, and ultimately, self-realization.

    It is important to note that Shaktipat and Kundalini jagran are advanced practices that should be undertaken under the guidance of a qualified and experienced teacher, as the awakening of Kundalini can be a powerful and sometimes overwhelming experience.


  2. #2 Tantric 5M Kundalini (Dakshinachara):

  3. In Satvik Dakshinapanthi (Right Hand), the "Five Ms" (or "Pancha M") refer to five essential substances or elements used in certain rituals and practices. These elements are often associated with specific deities and are used to invoke their blessings and presence. The Five Ms are:

    - 1 Mantra
    - 2 Meditation
    - 3 Mudra
    - 4 Mandala
    - 5 Mahayoga


  4. Tantric 5M Kundalini (Vamachar):

    The term "Vamachara" translates to "left-hand path" and often denotes practices that are unconventional, tamsik or transgressive in nature, including rituals that might involve substances, sexuality, or other forms of taboo-breaking.

    Tantra includes various rituals, meditations, and practices that aim to awaken Kundalini energy and unite the individual with the divine. Tantric sex, or Maithuna, is one such practice that involves sacred sexual union as a means of Spiritual awakening.

    In Vaampanthi (Left Hand), the "Five Ms" (or "Pancha M") refer to five essential substances or elements used in certain rituals and practices. These elements are often associated with specific deities and are used to invoke their blessings and presence. The Five Ms are:

    - 1 Madya (wine or alcohol)
    - 2 Mamsa (meat)
    - 3 Matsya (fish)
    - 4 Mudra (gesture or seal)
    - 5 Maithuna (sexual intercourse union)


  5. #3 Hatha Yoga Kundalini (Body Focus):

    In Hatha Yoga, there are specific practices aimed at purifying the energy channels (nadis) and balancing the energy centers (chakras) to facilitate the smooth and safe rise of kundalini. Some of these practices include:

    1. Asanas (Physical Postures):
      Certain yoga poses are believed to stimulate and activate the energy centers along the spine, preparing the body for the awakening of kundalini. Poses such as Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana), Fish Pose (Matsyasana), and Shoulder Stand (Sarvangasana) are thought to be particularly beneficial for this purpose.

    2. Pranayama (Breathing Techniques):
      Pranayama practices, such as Nadi Shodhana (Alternate Nostril Breathing) and Kapalabhati (Skull Shining Breath), are used to balance the flow of prana (life force energy) in the body, which is essential for the safe and effective rise of kundalini.

    3. Bandhas (Energy Locks):
      Bandhas are internal energy locks that help direct the flow of prana and prevent the premature rising of kundalini. The three main bandhas are Mula Bandha (Root Lock), Uddiyana Bandha (Abdominal Lock), and Jalandhara Bandha (Chin Lock).

    4. Meditation and Mindfulness:
      Hatha Yoga includes practices of meditation and mindfulness, which are essential for calming the mind and cultivating awareness. This mental clarity is important for experiencing and integrating the effects of Kundalini awakening.

    5. Shatkarmas (Yogic Cleansing Techniques):
      Shatkarmas are cleansing practices that purify the body and mind, removing blockages and preparing the practitioner for higher yogic practices, including the awakening of kundalini.


  6. #4 Patanjali's Eight Limbs of Yoga Kundalini (Mind Focus):

    Patanjali's Yoga Sutras outline eight limbs or steps of yoga, including ethical guidelines (yamas and niyamas), physical postures (asana), breath control (pranayama), withdrawal of the senses (pratyahara), concentration (dharana), meditation (dhyana), and samadhi (union with the divine). These practices are conducive to Kundalini awakening.

  7. Yama (Ethical Standards):
    Yama includes moral principles such as non-violence (ahimsa) and truthfulness (satya), which are important for creating a conducive environment for the awakening of kundalini.

  8. Niyama (Self-Discipline):
    Niyama involves practices like self-discipline, self-study, and devotion to a higher power. These practices help prepare the mind and body for the awakening of kundalini.

  9. Asana (Physical Postures):
    Asana practice in Patanjali's system is not just about physical exercise but also about creating a stable and comfortable seat for meditation, which is essential for working with Kundalini energy.

  10. Pranayama (Breath Control):
    Pranayama practices regulate the breath and prana (life force energy), which are crucial for balancing the energy channels (nadis) and preparing for the safe rise of kundalini.

  11. Pratyahara (Sense Withdrawal):
    Pratyahara involves withdrawing the senses from external stimuli, which helps cultivate inner awareness and concentration, important for Kundalini awakening.

  12. Dharana (Concentration):
    Dharana practices develop the ability to focus the mind, which is essential for directing the awakened Kundalini energy towards higher states of consciousness.

  13. Dhyana (Meditation):
    Dhyana is the practice of meditation, which deepens concentration and leads to a state of profound inner stillness, allowing for the rise of Kundalini energy.

  14. Samadhi (Union with the Divine):
    Samadhi is the ultimate goal of yoga, where the practitioner experiences union with the divine. Kundalini awakening is considered to be a step towards this ultimate realization.


    #5 Bhakti Yoga Kundalini (Bhakti Focus):

    The practice of Bhakti Yoga for Kundalini awakening involves focusing on the heart chakra (Anahata) and cultivating feelings of deep love, nishkam devotion, and gratitude towards the divine. This can be done through various practices such as chanting mantras, singing bhajans (devotional songs), performing puja (ritual worship), and engaging in acts of selfless service (seva).

    By focusing on the heart center and cultivating pure, selfless love for the divine, practitioners of Bhakti Yoga aim to purify their consciousness and remove the obstacles that block the free flow of Kundalini energy. This can lead to a deepening of one's Spiritual experience and a greater sense of oneness with the divine.

    Bhakti Yoga Kundalini is not about seeking Kundalini awakening as an end goal but rather about surrendering to the divine will and allowing the Kundalini energy to naturally unfold as part of one's Spiritual evolution. It is a path of love, devotion, and surrender, where the practitioner's heart becomes the vessel through which the divine grace flows, leading to Spiritual awakening and self-realization.

Bhramcharya: Rising Semen?

Brahmacharya, often translated as "celibacy" or "abstinence," is a concept in yoga and Spiritual practices that involves the conservation and moderation of one's sexual energy. In the context of Kundalini awakening, brahmacharya is often emphasized as a means to conserve and channel the powerful energy associated with sexual energy (often considered synonymous with Kundalini energy) upwards through the chakras.

The idea is that by practicing brahmacharya, individuals can prevent the dissipation of this energy and instead allow it to rise through the chakras, leading to Spiritual awakening and enlightenment. This practice is believed to facilitate the safe and effective awakening of the Kundalini energy, as it is thought to be a highly potent force that can be overwhelming if not properly managed.

In some Spiritual traditions, particularly in certain branches of yoga and tantra, there is a belief that conserving and transmuting sexual energy, often associated with semen retention in men, can aid in the awakening of Kundalini energy. This practice is often linked to the concept of brahmacharya, which emphasizes moderation or abstinence from sexual activity. The idea is that by refraining from ejaculation and conserving sexual energy, the practitioner can redirect this powerful force upwards through the energy centers (chakras) of the body, including the base chakra where Kundalini is said to reside. This process is believed to facilitate the gradual awakening and ascent of the Kundalini energy, leading to Spiritual growth and enlightenment.


Some Tricky Kundalini Questions for You!

- Women don't have semen, what rises inside them?
- Kundalini Serpent is feminine power, in women does it helps or hinder?
- What is Shiva & Shakti Union?
- Does Sexual Tantra practises accelerates Kundalini Rising?
- Are there any dangers or risks associated with Kundalini awakening?
- I eat meat, drink alcohol, can I practise Kundalini?
- I am a married person, we often do sex, can I practise Kundalini?

- Can Kundalini energy help my creativity & artistic expressions?
- Are there studies or research that support the Kundalini awakening?

#1 Muladhara (Root Chakra)

Element: Earth
Color: Red
Shape: Square
Beej Mantra: Lam
Deity: Lord Ganesha
Animal: Elephant
Location: Base of the spine
Siddhi: Ability to be established in the present moment, stability, materialization.
Governs: Survival, basic needs, physical identity
Function: Grounding, stability, security
Physical association: Legs, feet, bones, large intestine
Associated Gland/Organ: Adrenal glands
Psychological Aspects: Grounded, security, stability
Balanced Characteristics: Feeling grounded, stable, secure
Imbalance Symptoms: Anxiety, fear, insecurity, restlessness
Qualities: Stability, security, presence
Wisdom: Knowledge of the material world, basic life lessons

#2 Swadhisthana (Sacral Chakra)

Element: Water
Color: Orange
Shape: Crescent Moon
Beej Mantra: Vam
Deity: Lord Brahma
Animal: Crocodile
Location: Lower abdomen, about 2 inches below the navel
Siddhi: Creativity, fertility, sexual energy control.
Governs: Emotions, creativity, sensuality
Function: Emotional balance, creativity, passion
Physical association: Reproductive organs, bladder, lower back
Associated Gland/Organ: Gonads, ovaries, testes
Psychological Aspects: Creativity, emotions, sexuality
Balanced Characteristics: Emotional balance, creativity, sensuality
Imbalance Symptoms: Emotional instability, creative blocks, lack of passion
Qualities: Creativity, emotional balance, passion
Wisdom: Knowledge of relationships, emotional intelligence

#3 Manipura (Solar Plexus Chakra)

Element: Fire
Color: Yellow
Shape: Triangle
Beej Mantra: Ram
Deity: Lord Vishnu
Animal: Ram
Location: Upper abdomen, between the navel and solar plexus
Siddhi: Willpower, self-confidence, transformation.
Governs: Personal power, self-esteem, willpower
Function: Transformation, digestion, energy distribution
Physical association: Digestive system, muscles, pancreas
Associated Gland/Organ: Pancreas
Psychological Aspects: Willpower, self-esteem, personal power
Balanced Characteristics: Strong sense of self, confidence, willpower
Imbalance Symptoms: Low self-esteem, lack of motivation, digestive issues
Qualities: Personal power, self-confidence, vitality
Wisdom: Knowledge of personal identity, self-realization

#4 Anahata (Heart Chakra)

Element: Air
Color: Green
Shape: Hexagon
Beej Mantra: Yam
Deity: Lord Vayu
Animal: Antelope
Location: Center of the chest, just above the heart
Siddhi: Unconditional love, compassion, healing.
Governs: Love, compassion, forgiveness
Function: Connection, love, healing
Physical association: Heart, lungs, thymus gland
Associated Gland/Organ: Thymus gland
Psychological Aspects: Love, compassion, empathy
Balanced Characteristics: Compassionate, loving, empathetic
Imbalance Symptoms: Difficulty in relationships, lack of empathy, heart or lung issues
Qualities: Love, compassion, empathy
Wisdom: Knowledge of divine love, interconnectedness

#5 Vishuddha (Throat Chakra)

Element: Ether
Color: Blue
Shape: Circle
Beej Mantra: Ham
Deity: Lord Sadasiva
Animal: White Elephant
Location: Throat region
Siddhi: Communication, self-expression, creativity.
Governs: Communication, self-expression, creativity
Function: Communication, expression, creativity
Physical association: Throat, neck, mouth, thyroid gland
Associated Gland/Organ: Thyroid gland
Psychological Aspects: Communication, self-expression, authenticity
Balanced Characteristics: Clear communication, expressive, authentic
Imbalance Symptoms: Difficulty expressing oneself, throat issues, thyroid imbalances
Qualities: Communication, expression, authenticity
Wisdom: Knowledge of sound, vibration, resonance

#6 Ajna (Third Eye Chakra)

Element: All elements combined, cosmic energy
Color: Indigo
Shape: Two-petaled Lotus
Beej Mantra: Om
Deity: Lord Ardhanarishvara
Animal: Owl
Location: Between the eyebrows, also known as the brow chakra
Siddhi: Intuition, psychic abilities, insight.
Governs: Intuition, perception, insight
Function: Inner vision, intuition, imagination
Physical association: Brain, eyes, pituitary gland
Associated Gland/Organ: Pituitary gland
Psychological Aspects: Intuition, imagination, wisdom
Balanced Characteristics: Strong intuition, clear vision, imaginative
Imbalance Symptoms: Lack of clarity, confusion, headaches
Qualities: Intuition, imagination, wisdom
Wisdom: Knowledge of the higher self, inner vision, intuition

#7 Sahasrara(Crown Chakra)

Element: None, pure consciousness
Color: Violet or White
Shape: Thousand-petaled Lotus
Beej Mantra: Silence or Om
Deity: Lord Shiva
Animal: None
Location: Top of the head
Siddhi: Unity with the divine, Spiritual enlightenment.
Governs: Spirituality, consciousness, enlightenment
Function: Connection to the divine, Spiritual realization
Physical association: Brain, nervous system
Associated Gland/Organ: Pineal gland
Psychological Aspects: Spirituality, awareness, enlightenment
Balanced Characteristics: Spiritual connection, awareness, wisdom
Imbalance Symptoms: Lack of purpose, Spiritual disconnection, neurological issues
Qualities: Spirituality, consciousness, awareness, enlightenment
Wisdom: Knowledge of the divine, Spiritual truths, oneness


Ways to Boost Kundalini Jagran

Mantra Puruscharan Sadhana:
Chanting of specific mantras to invoke and awaken Spiritual energy.

Yantra Meditation:
Meditation using geometric diagrams or yantras to focus the mind and awaken higher consciousness.

Nada Yoga:
The yoga of sound, raga, laya, specific chakra frequencies, using sound vibrations to stimulate and awaken Kundalini energy.

Havan or Fire Rituals:
Ritualistic fire ceremonies performed to purify the mind and body, and invoke divine energies.

Moon & Sun Pranayama:
Breath control techniques to regulate the flow of prana (life force energy) and awaken kundalini.

Shiva Shakti Tantra Mudras:
Hand gestures or seals used to direct energy flow and stimulate Kundalini awakening.

Mahabandh Trinity:
Energy locks or contractions used in conjunction with pranayama to redirect and awaken Kundalini energy.

Visualization Meditation on Sphatik Shivlingam & Specific Chakra Colors:
Concentration and visualization practices focused on the chakras to awaken Kundalini energy.

Add these 5 to further support your Kundalini Sadhna

Gemstones and Crystals:
Each chakra is associated with specific gemstones or crystals believed to resonate with its energy. For example, amethyst is

often used for the crown chakra, while citrine is associated with the solar plexus chakra.



Rudraksha 'the tears of Shiva' beads are believed to have a powerful influence on one's Spiritual practice, including Kundalini Sadhna. The unique vibrations of Rudraksha beads are said to harmonize with the body's energies, promoting a sense of calmness and balance.


Essential Oils:
Certain essential oils are believed to have properties that can help balance or stimulate the chakras. For example, lavender is associated with the crown chakra, while peppermint is linked to the throat chakra.


Herbs and Plants:
Some herbs and plants are believed to have energetic properties that can support the chakras. For example, sage is often used for cleansing the energy of a space, which can indirectly support the chakras.


Chakra Sound Activation Tools:
Specific frequency with Chakra Sound Activation, such as singing bowls, tuning forks, or chanting, is believed to have a harmonizing effect on the chakras.


Color Therapy:
Each chakra is associated with a specific color, so surrounding yourself with these colors through clothing, art, or decor is believed to support the chakras.