Shiva & Science

Understanding Shiva beyond Science

From an Atheist to a Believer

As an science student & atheist, in my childhood I once held firm to the belief that the universe could be explained solely through the lens of scientific inquiry. However, in my teens as i studies science more and more... a profound realization dawned upon me—one that challenges the very foundation of my skepticism. For those who, like me, have questioned the existence of a higher power, allow me to share this revelation.

How is that even possible... so with a non biased mind lets try to observe and absorb the Shiva Tatva.

Some Unanswered Questions for you!

Who am I? Why even this question came in existence. Infact where it comes from?

Even when we are fairly close with Chimpanzees DNAs, yet humans are unmatched then them or any other in the world.

How suddenly Humans evolved so much, so much that we are in reality becoming like GOD.

Are Humans a mixed breed of old Apes (pre Historic Humans) and Aliens or maybe even Gods?

How does consciousness emerge from physical processes?

What is the fundamental nature of reality, what is a reality?

What is the true nature of time, does it have a definitive beginning or end?

How did life originate from lifeless matter?

How all living things are so different and yet have similar building blocks?

What is the origin of moral principles?

Is there any Purpose of our Existence?

The Human Brain's Complexity?

Why we die, what is soul, where it goes, if there is no soul than what gives life.


The Mystery of Seeing Colors:

Consider the color red. You know what it looks like, right? But why does red look the way it does to you?

How do you even know it's red?

This idea that colors and other experiences feel a certain way to us is called "qualia."

Some say that these experiences are so personal and hard to explain that they might come from something more than just our brains.

Wondering Why Creator 'Shiva' is Real?

The ancient scriptures from the start of the universe (everything was verbal spoken from one generation to another in initial vedic period),
today even non believers agrees (with carbon dating proof) that Pashupati Seal from Indus Valley is 4000+ year old,
it's it cover unthinkable concepts that time which are related to Shiva.

How is that even possible... so with a non biased mind... lets try to observe and absorb the Shiv Tatva.

Big Bang ~ Shiva as Fire Pillar

DNA (1/2 Male + 1/2 Female) ~ Aardhnarishwara

Universe Birth & Dissolution ~ The Mahapralaya

Questions that Scientists are unable to answer; indicates that there is some Creator, Intelligence in Design, 'God', 'Global Consciousness', 'Shiva'

Origin of the Big Bang:

One question often raised is what caused or initiated the Big Bang. While the Big Bang theory describes the expansion of the universe from a high-density state, it doesn't explain what triggered this event, leading to speculation about a transcendent cause or higher intelligence.

Spontaneous Creation:

Some theories propose that the universe could have spontaneously arisen from quantum fluctuations or other natural processes, without the need for external intervention. However, this idea is challenged by observations of cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB), which provide evidence supporting the Big Bang and suggest a highly ordered, non-random beginning to the universe.

Extraterrestrial Life:

The question of whether there might be life on other planets or in other galaxies is a topic of scientific inquiry. While the discovery of extraterrestrial life would be significant and could expand our understanding of the universe, it would not inherently provide evidence for the existence of a Creator or higher intelligence.

Dark Energy and Matter Mystery:

The nature of dark energy and dark matter, which make up most of the universe but remain invisible and mysterious.

Unified Laws of Physics:

The quest to find unified laws of physics, a single rule that explains everything in the universe, is a fundamental goal in theoretical physics.

Nature of Time:

The nature of time, including whether it flows in one direction or behaves differently in other places, is a topic of scientific investigation.

Black Holes:

The behavior of black holes, including what happens to objects that enter them and the interplay of gravity with quantum mechanics, poses unanswered questions in science. Some interpretations of these mysteries suggest the possibility of a higher intelligence behind the cosmic order.


The concept of a multiverse, where each universe may have its own set of physical laws and constants, has led to discussions about whether the diversity of universes hints at a designer fine-tuning these parameters. Some suggest that the existence of a multiverse with such a vast array of possibilities could imply a purpose behind this variety, potentially pointing to a higher intelligence.

Contemplating the complexity and diversity within a multiverse raises questions about the nature of its creation. Some argue that the vastness and intricacy of a multiverse might imply a higher intelligence orchestrating or overseeing this creation. This viewpoint suggests that the existence of such a complex and diverse multiverse could be indicative of a purposeful design.

The Invisible Lawmaker

If there are rules that everyone should follow, like being kind or fair, some people say there must be someone who made these rules. Like how a teacher makes rules for a class to be fair and kind to each other.

The Invisible Lawmaker

If there are rules that everyone should follow, like being kind or fair, some people say there must be someone who made these rules.
Like how a teacher makes rules for a class to be fair and kind to each other.

Moral Values:

Objective moral values, such as the universal agreement that harming others for fun is wrong, are often cited as evidence for the existence of a Creator or higher intelligence. The idea is that these moral values are ingrained in the fabric of the universe by a moral lawgiver.

Where Do These Values Come From?

The concept of objective moral values, such as the universal agreement that harming others for no reason is wrong, raises questions about their origin. Some people believe that these moral rules cannot simply come from human beings or nature and suggest the existence of a super-intelligent and morally good being, akin to a wise wizard or a powerful force, who made these rules. This idea of a creator or higher intelligence is posited as the source of these moral values.

Entropy Levels at the Big Bang:

The entropy levels at the beginning of the universe, especially at the time of the Big Bang, were finely balanced. Deviations in these levels could result in a universe that is either too chaotic or incompatible with life. Some argue that the fine-tuning of entropy levels points to a creator or designer who set these initial conditions to allow for the formation of complex structures and the development of life.

Formation of Galaxies, Stars & Formation of Life-Friendly Worlds:

Gravity's role in the formation of galaxies, stars, and planetary systems is essential for the existence of celestial bodies. If the gravitational constant were slightly different, stars, planets, and galaxies might not have formed, raising questions about the intricate balance required for celestial bodies to exist and function. Some argue that this complexity points toward a guiding intelligence or designer who crafted the universe with the specific conditions necessary for life to emerge.

Complexity of Physical Laws:

The complexity and mathematical elegance of physical laws, such as those governing thermodynamics or quantum mechanics, have led some to interpret them as evidence of intelligent design. The intricate nature of these laws, which govern the behavior of matter and energy in the universe, is seen by some as indicative of a creator or designer who crafted the universe with a specific purpose and order in mind.

Fine-Tuning of Universal Constants

The precise values of fundamental constants like the gravitational constant or the cosmological constant are often cited as evidence for a universe finely tuned for life. Some argue that these constants being within a narrow range suitable for life implies design.

Speed of Light (c):

The speed of light, denoted as 'c', plays a crucial role in the laws of physics and has a significant impact on the stability of physical processes. If the speed of light were significantly different, fundamental physical processes might not function as they do, potentially affecting the stability of life as we know it. Some argue that the fine-tuning of the speed of light and other physical constants points to a creator or designer who set these values precisely to allow for life to exist.

Cosmological Constant (Λ):

The cosmological constant, denoted as Λ, is a term in Einstein's equations of general relativity that accounts for the energy density of empty space, influencing the expansion rate of the universe. A slightly different value of the cosmological constant could lead to a universe that is either rapidly expanding or collapsing, preventing the formation of stable conditions suitable for life. Some argue that the fine-tuning of the cosmological constant suggests a creator or designer who set this value precisely to allow for a universe capable of supporting life.

Gravitational Constant (G):

The gravitational constant plays a crucial role in the formation of stars, planets, and galaxies. If this constant were slightly stronger or weaker, these celestial bodies might not have formed, making life-sustaining conditions unlikely. The precise tuning of gravity, along with other fundamental forces, has led to discussions about the universe's fine-tuning and whether it points to a designer setting the conditions necessary for life to emerge.

Strong & Weak Nuclear Forces:

he strong nuclear force, which binds protons and neutrons in atomic nuclei, and the weak nuclear force, which governs certain types of radioactive decay, are crucial for the existence of elements necessary for life. If these forces were slightly different, elements like carbon might not exist, disrupting the biochemical processes essential for life. Some argue that the precise tuning of these forces suggests a designer or creator who set these values to allow for the formation of life-supporting elements.

Electromagnetic Force Strength:

The strength of the electromagnetic force is crucial for determining the stability of atoms and the formation of chemical bonds. Small alterations in this force could prevent atoms from forming, disrupting molecular structures essential for life. Some argue that the precise tuning of the electromagnetic force points to a creator or designer who set this value to allow for the formation of stable and complex molecules necessary for life.

Mass of Fundamental Particles:

The masses of fundamental particles, such as electrons, protons, and neutrons, are finely tuned. Alterations in the masses of these particles could lead to unstable atoms or prevent the formation of complex molecules necessary for life. Some see this fine-tuning as evidence of a designer or creator who crafted the universe with the specific conditions necessary for life to emerge.

Universal Attraction:

Gravity's universal nature, where all objects with mass attract each other, is a fundamental force in the cosmos. Some discussions about the nature of gravity and its role in the universe have led to contemplation about whether this force hints at a grand design or order in the cosmos. This has sparked discussions about the possibility of an intelligent creator behind the laws of physics.

Ratio of Electron to Proton Mass:

The ratio of the electron's mass to the proton's mass is crucial for the stability of matter. A slight change in this ratio could disrupt atomic structures, making life chemistry impossible. The fine-tuning of this ratio has led some to suggest the existence of a creator or designer who set these values precisely to allow for stable matter and the formation of life.

The Wonder of Nature:

The precise values of fundamental constants like the gravitational constant or the cosmological constant are often cited as evidence for a universe finely tuned for life. Some argue that these constants being within a narrow range suitable for life implies design.


The double-helix structure of DNA, with its intertwined strands, provides stability and allows for efficient storage and replication of genetic information. The intricate coding within DNA, containing vast biological information, raises questions about its origins and the potential involvement of an intelligent designer..

Cell Theory:

The cell theory, which states that all living organisms are composed of cells, points to the fundamental building blocks of life. Some see the complexity and functionality of cells as evidence of intelligent design or a creator who designed these structures to fulfill specific functions within living organisms.


The concept of homeostasis, where living organisms maintain internal stability despite external changes, showcases the intricacy and balance within biological systems. Some view the ability of organisms to maintain homeostasis as evidence of intelligent design or a creator who designed these systems to function optimally in changing environments.

Molecular Machinery and Replication:

The sophisticated molecular machinery involved in DNA replication and repair mechanisms exhibit precision and complexity. Some argue that this complexity suggests intelligent design or a creator who designed these mechanisms with meticulous precision.

Irreducible Complexity:

The concept of irreducible complexity, which argues that certain biological structures could not have evolved gradually and must have been designed, is often discussed in the context of biological systems like the bacterial flagellum or the human eye. Some see irreducible complexity as evidence of intelligent design or a creator who designed these structures.

Complex Protein Folding:

The precise folding of proteins into their functional three-dimensional structures is crucial for their proper functioning. The complexity of protein folding has led some to argue for irreducible complexity, suggesting that these structures could not have evolved gradually and must have been designed by a creator.

Genetic Diversity and Interconnectedness:

The diversity among species and the interconnectedness of life forms, all encoded within DNA, evoke wonder about the underlying unity and diversity orchestrated by a seemingly single code.

Conservation of Genetic Integrity:

The diversity among species and the interconnectedness of life forms, encoded within DNA, suggest a unified code orchestrating life's diversity. Some see this unity and diversity as evidence of intelligent design or a creator who designed life forms with a single, intricate code.

Non-Coding DNA and Functional Mystery:

The mechanisms that preserve genetic integrity across generations despite environmental pressures highlight the robustness and sophistication of the genetic system. Some argue that these mechanisms point to intelligent design or a creator who designed life forms with built-in mechanisms to maintain genetic integrity.

Precision & Sophistication of Genetic Language:

The genetic code functions like an intricate language, with sequences, punctuation, and instructions, complexity beyond what human languages exhibit. The precise coding and instructions within DNA dictate the development, functioning, and reproduction of living organisms, showcasing an extraordinary level of precision and specificity. Think of the genetic language as a super-precise and sophisticated code, kind of like a secret message that only the cells in your body can understand. Imagine you and your friend have a secret code where each letter represents a specific action or thing.

For example, "A" might mean "jump," "B" might mean "clap," and so on. Now, imagine a message written entirely in this code, describing every move and action for a dance routine. That's a bit like how genes communicate—they use a highly precise and intricate language to tell your body exactly what to do, like a detailed dance routine written in a secret code that your cells can read and execute perfectly.

Information Storage and Density:

DNA efficiently stores vast amounts of biological information in its structure, far exceeding human-made data storage capabilities, leading to wonder about its seemingly infinite storage capacity. Think of DNA like a super compact, efficient information storage system, kind of like a library packed with tiny books that hold crucial instructions for everything about you.

Just the tip of the Iceberg...

The ancient teachings of Shiva offer a unique perspective that goes beyond science and Spirituality. Science aims to uncover the cosmos' mysteries through observation, while Shiva's wisdom highlights the interconnectedness of all things and the eternal nature of existence.


Every scientific discovery, from galaxy formation to cell functions, brings us closer to understanding the universe's vastness. Yet, we must not overlook deeper truths beyond empirical science.


Throughout history, various cultures have pondered the nature of the divine. Whether the universe is random or designed, its mysteries continue to inspire awe.


True understanding doesn't come from accumulating knowledge, but from realizing our place in the vast cosmos.


Aum Namah Shivay

Guru Aum Sushant