Shiva Community
Shiv. Shiv. Shiv.

Shiva Community

Embark on a transformative journey with the powerful Shiva Community!
From local gatherings to global online events, join us in exploring the depths of Spirituality and self-discovery.

We need to make Shiva Believers Strong by creating a group that connects them for various purposes:

- Facilitating marriages between like-minded Shiva Believer Families.
- Forming Shiva Business Partnerships (Co-founders) for startups.
- Forming Supplier (Vendor) Partnerships between Shiva Devotees.
- Organizing Shiva Yoga & Meditation Camps.
- Hosting Shiva Festivals - Art, Music, Dance Festivals & Charity Drives.
- Arranging Meditation Retreats.
- Supporting crowdfunding for Small Business Startups run by Shiva Devotees.
- Establishing a B2B Network for Spiritual Products (Bulk Purchases / Export / Import / Trade).

This community aims to strengthen Shiva believers by providing a platform for meaningful connections and collaborations.

Aum Namah Shivay!

Shiva Brotherhood

The divine message of Shiva transcends all boundaries of caste, color, creed, faith, sects, paths, cultures, and practices.
At its core, Shiva Bhakti and Karuna (Compassion) are the highest virtues, guiding us to serve others selflessly.


In the eyes of Shiva, all devotees are brothers, united by their devotion and love for Him.
Together, we form the Shaiv community, bound by our shared reverence for the divine.
Let us embrace this unity and spread the message of Shiva's love and compassion to all corners of the world.

Join the Close Group of Shiva Meditation Community!

Start your journey towards Spiritual fulfillment.

Together, we can create a world of compassion, wisdom, and inner peace.
Let's honor the eternal teachings of Lord Shiva and embrace a path of enlightenment.

Join the Close Group of Shiva Community Group and be part of a global Spiritual family.

To join email us with your details at (,
we will add you in a close Shiva Meditators Whatsapp Group.

PS. In future, we want to add advanced Spiritual practitioners & researchers from all parts of the world, where the realms of Science, Meditation, Shiva, Spirituality converge. Here, the advance researchers & scientific members can share their profound experiments, research, experiences - blending the scientific method with Spiritual insights.

Join us on this journey of discovery, where we explore the depths of meditation, consciousness, and the universe itself.
Together, we unlock the secrets of existence and delve into the mysteries of the divine.