Yog Nidra

Guided Sleep Meditation with 5 Elements Healing

Yog Nidra & States of Mind

The Mandukya Upanishad, an ancient Sanskrit text, describes four states of consciousness, known as "Avasthatraya," which are fundamental to understanding the nature of reality and the self. These states are:

  1. Waking (Jagrat):
    This is the state of consciousness experienced in our daily waking life, where we are aware of the external world through our senses and mind. It is characterized by the perception of the physical world and our interactions with it.

  2. Dreaming (Swapna):
    In this state, consciousness is turned inward, and the mind creates a dream world that is often vivid and immersive. While dreaming, we are unaware of the external world but fully engaged in the experiences of the dream.

  3. Deep Sleep (Sushupti):
    This is a state of dreamless sleep where the mind is inactive, and there is no awareness of the external or internal worlds. It is a state of restful awareness where the individual experiences a sense of peace and rejuvenation.

  4. Transcendental (Turiya):
    Turiya is the fourth state of consciousness beyond waking, dreaming, and deep sleep. It is a state of pure consciousness, devoid of any content or activity, yet underlying all other states. Turiya is described as the state of ultimate reality, where the individual experiences oneness with the universe.

These four states of consciousness are not considered sequential or separate but are seen as different aspects of the same underlying consciousness. The Mandukya Upanishad uses these states to illustrate the nature of the self (Atman) and its relationship to the ultimate reality (Brahman), teaching that the self is ultimately identical to Brahman, the supreme consciousness.


What exactly is Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra is a profound form of guided relaxation and meditation that promotes deep rest and rejuvenation. The term "Yoga Nidra" is derived from two Sanskrit words: "yoga," meaning union or harmony, and "nidra," meaning sleep. Despite its name, Yoga Nidra is not about falling asleep; rather, it is a state of conscious deep sleep, where the body is completely relaxed, and the practitioner remains aware and alert.

The concept of Yoga Nidra is rooted in the ancient Indian texts, particularly the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the practice of Yoga Nidra is referred to as "Yoga Nididhyasana," which is the state of complete absorption and union with the object of meditation, leading to the realization of the true nature of the self.

Yoga Nidra is often practiced in a lying down position, where the practitioner is guided through a series of instructions that help them relax and become increasingly aware of their inner experiences. The practice typically involves systematic relaxation of the body, focused awareness on different parts of the body, and visualization techniques to enhance relaxation and mental focus.

One of the key aspects of Yoga Nidra is the rotation of consciousness, where the practitioner mentally moves their awareness to different parts of the body, sequentially relaxing each part. This helps in releasing physical tension and calming the mind.

Yoga Nidra is known for its therapeutic effects on stress, anxiety, insomnia, and other conditions related to modern lifestyle. It is also believed to promote emotional healing and Spiritual growth by providing deep relaxation and access to the subconscious mind. Overall, Yoga Nidra is a powerful practice that combines deep relaxation with profound awareness, offering a path to inner peace, balance, and self-discovery.

Guided Yog Nidra with Guru Ji

Are you seeking relief from your problems?
Join Guru Ji for a transformative guided Yoga Nidra session designed to address and alleviate these issues. Whether you're struggling with stress, anxiety, insomnia, or other challenges, this Spiritual guided sleep session will guide you towards deep relaxation and healing.


Which of the following do you suffer from?

Restless Sleep
Fear and Paranoia
Anxiety & Panic attacks
Health Issues
Relationship Struggles
Financial Worries
Work Challenges
Emotional Healing
Weight Issues
Self Esteem Issues
Past Traumas
Emotional blocks
Lack of confidence
Lack of focus or concentration
Creativity Block
High Blood Pressure
Decision Making
Family Issues
Lack of Motivation
Time Management
Personal Growth
Spiritual Connection

If you're struggling with above issues, don't worry you're not alone. Many have found solace and transformation through Guru Ji's guided meditation. Here are 5 unique Panch Mahabhoota designed by Guru Ji for Yog Nidra that combine elements of Yoga Nidra and Guided Sleep Meditation:


Whatsapp us at +91-7310639456
Send us your requirement & we will send you the exact real photo / video of the Spiritual product in stock that you will receive.
Email: ShivaBlessingsTrust@gmail.com

  1. #1 Guided Sleep Meditation & Healing with Air Element (Vayu):

    When to this Yoga Nidra?

    - For Freshness, if you are feeling choked
    - Release stagnant or negative energy
    - To reduce claustrophobic issues
    - When you need extra oxygen for extra performance
    - Pure energy filling you with vitality
    - Release any stagnant or negative energy
    - To attract someone, send manifestations
    - Seeking Inspiration to spark new ideas & innovations
    - To moves seeds to the fertile ground to sprout (ideas to execution)
    - Cooldown our hot mind, removes anger, gives forgiveness
    - To get motivation to work
    - To restart life
    - When feeling mentally foggy, to clear the mind
    - When feeling physically sluggish or lethargic

    Ready to relax, heal, and drift into deep Spiritual sleep?
    Join Guru Ji for a guided divine Yoga Nidra meditation.
    Click on the video, to tune in to the live meditation video/audio now >>

  1. #2 Guided Sleep Meditation & Healing with Water Element (Jal):

    When to this Yoga Nidra?

    - Full body Self healing
    - Rapid emotional healing from a broken heart
    - When seeking deep emotional release
    - During times of emotional turmoil
    - To find calmness and peace
    - To reduce acidity, burns, irritation, skin allergy
    - To connect with the flow of life
    - To connect with womb / baby
    - For purification of subtle body
    - To enhance intuition
    - To be more fluid & adaptable to changes
    - To attract money
    - To renew, regeneration after a committed sin
    - To understand an unexplained repetitive dream
    - Clear headaches and nervous tension
    - Flush your anger due to traffic, office madness
    - To forgive a friend or relative without telling that person

    Ready to relax, heal, and drift into deep Spiritual sleep?
    Join Guru Ji for a guided divine Yoga Nidra meditation.
    Click on the video, to tune in to the live meditation video/audio now >>

  1. #3 Guided Sleep Meditation & Healing with Earth Element (Prathvi):

    When to this Yoga Nidra?

    - When you seek grounding & stability
    - When feeling anxious, depressed, or stressed
    - Stop the fast pace of life, to slow down & find peace
    - When feeling overwhelmed or emotionally drained
    - To gIve gratitude for the simple joys in life
    - For physical healing & recovery from illness or injury
    - To sustain current / recent trauma
    - Before important meetings or presentations, to stay calm & productive
    - To recover from digestive issues, bone or joint problems, skin conditions
    - During times of grief or sadness, finding stability and comfort
    - When experiencing headaches or migraines
    - For Fertility, Child Conceive

    Ready to relax, heal, and drift into deep Spiritual sleep?
    Join Guru Ji for a guided divine Yoga Nidra meditation.
    Click on the video, to tune in to the live meditation video/audio now >>

  1. #4 Guided Sleep Meditation & Healing with Fire Element (Agni):

    When to this Yoga Nidra?

    - When feeling anxious, depressed or stressed
    - For purification of past karmas
    - To burn & detach from ex-lovers memories
    - During periods of low energy or fatigue
    - When feeling overwhelmed or emotionally drained
    - After a long day at cold office, shop, street
    - Before important meetings or presentations to calm nerves
    - During travel to ease discomfort and promote relaxation
    - To recover fast from cold, cough, Sinus, Cold-Induced Asthma
    - Relax during treatment of Hypothermia, Frostbite
    - When experiencing digestive discomfort due to low stomach fire
    - During times of grief or sadness fill of coldness
    - When experiencing headaches or migraines
    - Before or during menstruation to ease cramps and discomfort
    - Simply as a daily practice for overall well-being and balance

    Ready to relax, heal, and drift into deep Spiritual sleep?
    Join Guru Ji for a guided divine Yoga Nidra meditation.
    Click on the video, to tune in to the live meditation video/audio now >>

  1. #5 Guided Sleep Meditation & Healing with Space Element (Akash):

    When to this Yoga Nidra?

    - When seeking Spiritual guidance
    - Need to lost in time to heal
    - Need expansion in life
    - Super Creativity, Freedom from idea limitations
    - Connect with the cosmic consciousness
    - Out of Body Experience
    - For Astral Projection
    - For mental Peace & Inner Silence
    - When feeling stuck or confined, to open up new perspectives.
    - To experience a sense of lightness
    - To tap into intuition & Spiritual insights
    - For deep relaxation and letting go of attachments

Ready to relax, heal, and drift into deep Spiritual sleep?
Join Guru Ji for a guided divine Yoga Nidra meditation.
Click on the video, to tune in to the live meditation video/audio now >>

Become a Guided Meditation (Yog Nidra) Teacher...

With over 30 years of Spiritual practices and Sadhnas, Guru Ji has helped countless individuals worldwide find healing, peace, clarity, and Spiritual guidance through guided meditation.


Guru Ji teaches the practice of aligning with the Panchmahabhootas, the five elements - earth, fire, sky, air, and water, to harness the energies of cosmic Shiva and Shakti.


If you're feeling drained or foggy, now is the perfect time to join Guru Ji's 5-days "Panchamahabhootas Yog Nidra Course". Experience the healing power of meditation and discover a new path to inner peace and well-being under Guru Ji's guidance.

  • - Pre recorded Course Videos (Watch & Practise anytime)
    - Book your spot now
    - Your specific Personal FAQs answers via Whatsapp Chat
    - Course Fees: Nil, Any Donation
    - Donations are warmly welcomed, all donations made to our Spiritual Trust are used for Charity & Spiritual activities
    - Course Certificate (with Your Name & Photo): $60

Aum Namah Shivay

Shiva Blessings Trust