Online Pranic Healing
Guided Step by Step Online Healing Meditation wih Guru Ji


Why you or the whole world is suffering?

The world is suffering from the illusions of Maya - Depression, Anxiety, Disorders, Past Traumas, Phobias, Insomnia, Stress Disorder, Substance Use, Laziness, Brain Fogginess, Dark Thoughts leading to Dark Actions, Anger, Personality Disorders, Sexual dysfunction, Sexual Addiction, Domestic Violence, Eating Disorders, Self Harm, Emotional Turmoil, Existential Crisis, Self-Worth Struggles, Relationship Strain, Identity Crisis, Life Purpose Confusion, Emotional Numbness, Social Isolation, Emotional Overwhelm, Inner Conflict, Trust Issues, Fear of Failure, Fear of Success, Perfectionism Struggles, Emotional Burnout and even Suicides.

Ignorance, or Avidya (अज्ञान / अविद्या), is considered the root cause of suffering (dukkha) because it leads individuals to misunderstand the nature of reality and the self. This misunderstanding can cause people to seek happiness in external things, which are ultimately fleeting and unable to provide lasting fulfillment. By recognizing and overcoming this ignorance, one can attain a deeper understanding of the true nature of existence, which is believed to lead to liberation from suffering.

  1. #1 Attachment (Raga):
    आसक्ति / राग
    Attachment, or Raga, is the strong desire or craving for something. It is the tendency to cling to objects, people, or experiences in the hope that they will bring lasting happiness. This attachment arises from a misunderstanding that happiness can be found externally. It leads to disappointment and suffering when those objects or experiences fail to provide the expected fulfillment.

  2. #2 Aversion (Dvesha):
    Aversion, or Dvesha, is the tendency to avoid or reject unpleasant experiences. It arises from a desire to control life's circumstances and avoid discomfort. When we resist the natural flow of life, we create inner turmoil and suffering. This aversion disturbs the mind's peace and prevents us from finding true contentment.

  3. #3 Ego (Ahamkara):
    Sense of self-identity that creates a distinction between "I" and the external world. It is the part of the mind that identifies itself as a separate entity, distinct from others. Ego often leads to a false sense of superiority or inferiority in the mind (antaḥkaraṇa), causing conflicts and misunderstandings.

  4. #4 Attachment to the body (Deha-āsakti):
    शरीर की आसक्ति - देहासक्ति
    Strong identification or attachment one has with their physical body. It is the tendency to define oneself solely based on the physical form, leading to feelings of vanity, insecurity, and fear of aging or death. This attachment often prevents individuals from recognizing their true Spiritual nature beyond the physical body.

  5. #5 Delusion (Moha):
    State of confusion or misunderstanding about the true nature of reality. It manifests as a distorted perception of oneself, others, and the world, leading to erroneous beliefs and actions. Moha prevents individuals from seeing things as they truly are, causing them to be misled by their perceptions and desires.

  6. #6 Restlessness (Anavasthitatva):
    अनवस्थितता / अशांति / बेचैनी
    State of constant agitation and lack of focus, characterized by an inability to stay still or be content with the present moment. It is often accompanied by a sense of unease or dissatisfaction, hindering inner peace and clarity of mind.

  7. #7 Depression (Manasik Vikara):
    अवसाद (Avasad) / मानसिक विकार
    Common mental health disorder characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and loss of interest in activities. It can impact how you feel, think, and handle daily activities, affecting your overall well-being.

  8. #8 Anxiety (Chitta Bhramana):
    चिंता - चित्त भ्रमण
    State of excessive worry and fear about future events. It can lead to feelings of restlessness, difficulty concentrating, and physical symptoms like rapid heartbeat and sweating.

  9. #9 Abhiniveśa (Clinging to Life):
    जीवन का आसक्ति - अभिनिवेश
    The instinctual clinging to life, which manifests as a fear of death and a strong attachment to the physical body and worldly existence. It leads to a deep-seated fear of change and impermanence, hindering Spiritual growth and inner peace.

    #10 Anitya (Impermanence):
    The concept of impermanence, highlighting the transient nature of all phenomena. It reminds us that everything in the material world is subject to change and decay, leading to suffering if one becomes attached to the fleeting nature of existence. Acceptance of impermanence is key to finding peace and liberation in Spiritual teachings.

Guided Pranic Meditations to overcome Anxiety & Depression

In the journey of healing, Spiritual awakening, guided meditation helps the new meditators to learn with a Guru and move towards a deeper connection. There are several types of Guided meditation practices Guru Ji teaches, each with its unique technique and benefits:

  1. 1. Body Scan Pranic Chakra Meditation:
    Guides participants to focus on each part of their body, relaxing and releasing tension.

  2. 2. Guided Imagery : Visualization Meditation:
    Uses detailed descriptions to guide participants through a sensory experience, promoting relaxation and visualization.

  3. 3. Soham Breathing Meditation:
    Focuses on deep, rhythmic breathing to calm the mind and body, often using breath as a focal point.

  4. 4. Aum Mantra Meditation:
    Introduces participants to a mantra, or repetitive phrase, to focus the mind and increase awareness.

  5. 5. Body Movement Dynamic Meditation:
    Incorporates gentle movement, such as Spiritual Walks in nature or Free Flow Spiritual Dance in your house, with mindfulness and breath awareness.


Transform Illusion into Illumination
Let Maya's Magic Manifest Miracles in Your Life

In the tapestry of existence, Maya weaves a complex illusion, blurring the lines between the real and the perceived. Maya, often misunderstood as mere illusion, is a profound cosmic principle, representing the dynamic interplay of consciousness that gives rise to the multifaceted universe.

Maya is the divine force of creation, preservation, and transformation. It is the power that veils the true nature of the Self, leading us to perceive the world as separate from us. This veil of Maya is not meant to deceive or delude but to provide a canvas for the play of life, where every experience is an opportunity for growth and realization.

While Maya may seem like a hindrance to Spiritual or personal progress, it is, in fact, a catalyst for evolution. It challenges us to see beyond the surface of reality, to look deeper into the nature of existence. By acknowledging the illusionary nature of the world, we can transcend its limitations and discover the boundless nature of our true Self.

To ride the waves of Maya is to embrace the impermanent nature of life and find stability in the midst of change. It is to surrender to the flow of existence, trusting in the divine plan that unfolds before us. By surrendering to Para Shakti Maya, the supreme creative power, we align ourselves with the cosmic rhythm, allowing it to guide us on our Spiritual journey.


Surrendering to Maya does not mean succumbing to illusion but rather transcending it by Shiva Tatva.

So, let us not seek to destroy Maya but to ride its waves with grace and humility. Let us surrender to the divine play of consciousness and allow it to reveal the true nature of our being. In this surrender, we find liberation, and Maya, instead of being a veil, becomes a gateway to the divine.

Maya is considered a manifestation of the divine feminine energy or Shakti, and Shiva is seen as the male counterpart or the divine masculine principle.
Maya is often associated with the illusory nature of the material world, and Shiva is seen as the transcendent reality beyond illusion.
Maya and Shiva represent the interplay of creation, preservation, and destruction in the universe.


Deep Guided Pranic Meditation with Guru Ji

Transform Illusion into Illumination, and Let Maya's Magic Manifest Miracles in Your Life

#0 Preparation:
Find a quiet and comfortable place to sit or lie down.
Visualize Guru's Spiritual Guiding Light coming in your 3rd Eye 'Space betwee the two eyebrows' to guide you and protect your from negative energies.
Close your eyes softly and take 5 few deep breaths to relax.
Chant your Guru Mantra 3 Times.
Chant 'Aum' 3 times.
Now take a deep breath in through your nose, filling your lungs completely.
Hold for a moment, and then exhale slowly through your mouth, releasing any tension.
Imagine a bright golden & white light above your head, representing divine energy Maya & Shiva.
Visualize this light entering your body through the top of your head, filling you with healing energy.


Bring your awareness to your body.
Notice any areas of tension or discomfort, and allow them to soften with each breath.
Feel the Sukshama Sharir (Prana, Manas, Buddhi, Chitta, Nadis) inside your body that needs to be healed.
Relax your body.
Now, shift your focus to your breath.
Notice the natural rhythm of your breathing.
Feel the coolness of the air as you inhale, and the warmth as you exhale.
Allow the golden light to heal you.

Why do you worry unnecessarily?
Who can harm you?
The soul is neither born nor dies.
क्यों व्यर्थ की चिंता करते हो?
किससे व्यर्थ डरते हो?
कौन तुम्हें मार सकता है?
आत्मा न पैदा होती है, न मरती है।

Allow the golden light to heal you.
You are a divine spark of most powerful Adi Shakti and Param Shiva.
Your potential is limitless, and you have the power to transform any situation.
You possess the wisdom to protect yourself and make smart decisions.
You have the strength and resilience to overcome any challenge that comes your way.
You have a vast array of resources at your disposal, including people, society, relatives, friends, police, free lawyers, and the constitution, to protect you.

There is no need to worry... no body can harm you... no body can harm you...
Chant 'Aum' 3 times.


As you continue to breathe, imagine the warm, golden light covering every tissue inside you.
With each inhale, visualize more and more divine light entering your body.
With each exhale, all the stress / tension / pain / past traumas is leaving you, dissolving into the golden light.

What has happened is good, what is happening is good, and what will happen will also be good.
Don't regret the past. Don't worry about the future. The present is happening.
जो हुआ, वह अच्छा हुआ, जो हो रहा है, वह अच्छा हो रहा है, जो होगा, वह भी अच्छा ही होगा।
तुम भूत का पश्चाताप न करो। भविष्य की चिंता न करो। वर्तमान चल रहा है।

Take a deep breath in, acknowledging that what has happened; is in the past and cannot be changed.
Exhale, releasing any regrets or attachments to the past.

Finally, take a deep breath in, affirm to yourself:
"What will happen will be good. I trust in the process of life."
Chant 'Aum' 3 times.


Take a moment to see the goldenlight reflections which has started inside you.
As you breathe, gently observe the emotions that arise within you and smile at them.

Recognize that these emotions are part of the human experience, influenced by ignorance (Avidya).
Laugh gently at the playful nature of these emotions and the ways in which they can sometimes seem silly or irrational.

Now we will do a series of 6 deep breaths one after another, you have to pause in-between and hold your breath while thinking

Breath In (1) - HOLD BREATH - What did you lose that you cry about? RELEASE HOLD - Breath Out (1)
Breath In (2) - HOLD BREATH - What did you bring with you, which you have lost? RELEASE HOLD - Breath Out (2)
Breath In (3) - HOLD BREATH - What did you produce, which has perished? RELEASE HOLD - Breath Out (3)
Breath In (4) - HOLD BREATH - You did not bring anything when you were born. RELEASE HOLD - Breath Out (4)
Breath In (5) - HOLD BREATH - Whatever you have, you received it from the Almighty. RELEASE HOLD - Breath Out (5)
Breath In (6) - HOLD BREATH - Whatever you give, you give it to the Almighty. RELEASE HOLD - Breath Out (6)

तुम्हारा क्या गया, जो तुम रोते हो?
तुम क्या लाए थे, जो तुमने खो दिया?
तुमने क्या पैदा किया था, जो नाश हो गया?
न तुम कुछ लेकर आए, जो लिया यहीं से लिया।
जो दिया, यहीं पर दिया। जो लिया, इसी (भगवान) से लिया।
जो दिया, इसी को दिया।

Finally, take a deep breath and imagine being embraced tightly by Adi Shakti and Shiva, feeling their divine presence and love surround you.

As you exhale, visualize yourself as a newborn baby, pure and untouched by past experiences.
Say to yourself, "It is true, I brought nothing into this world.
Today, I am reborn with a clean slate. I release all past traumas, losses, and karmas.
With the grace of God, I restart my life from this moment onward."

Feel the weight of the past lift off your shoulders as you embrace this new beginning.
Carry this sense of renewal and positivity with you as you continue on your journey.
Chant 'Aum' 3 times.


As you inhale, feel the gentle rhythm of the golden light circulating with blood healing all parts of your body.
Imagine your heart as a pure divine energy core, radiating warmth and light.
In the center of this divine energy, visualize the Shiva (Mahakaal), who is beyond the of Time (Kaal), inside you.
He holds the secrets of the past, present, and future.

You came empty-handed, and you will leave empty-handed.
What is yours today belonged to someone else yesterday and will belong to someone else tomorrow.
You are mistakenly enjoying the thought that it is yours.
This happiness is the cause of your sorrow.
खाली हाथ आए और खाली हाथ चले।
जो आज तुम्हारा है, कल और किसी का था, परसों किसी और का होगा।
तुम इसे अपना समझकर मग्न हो रहे हो।
बस यही प्रसन्नता तुम्हारे दु:खों का कारण है।

Exhale, as you slowly return to the present moment, carry this wisdom deep inside your permanenet memory.
The true happiness comes from within, and material possessions are transient.
Chant 'Aum' 3 times.


Close your eyes and take a deep breath.
Visualize yourself surrounded by the vastness of the universe, with its ever-changing nature.
As you inhale, feel the golden light and energy of the universe flowing through you.
The golden light is removing all the Dark Matter which is hiding deep inside you.

Change is the rule of the universe.
What you think is death is actually life.
In a moment, you can become a millionaire, and in the next moment, you can become poor.
परिवर्तन संसार का नियम है।
जिसे तुम मृत्यु समझते हो, वही तो जीवन है।
एक क्षण में तुम करोड़ों के स्वामी बन जाते हो, दूसरे ही क्षण में तुम दरिद्र हो जाते हो।

Exhale out completely, exhale the very last dark matter partical as you slowly return to the present moment.
Chant 'Aum' 3 times.


Now, bring your attention to your heart center, the middle of your chest.
Visualize a glowing ball of light at this center, radiating love and compassion.

With each heartbeat, feel this light radiating love and warmth.
As you continue to breathe, bring to mind someone you love deeply.
See their face in your mind's eye and feel the love you have for them.
Send them this loving energy, wishing them happiness and peace.

Erase the concepts of 'mine' and 'yours' from your mind,
and then everything will be yours, and you will belong to everyone.
मेरा-तेरा, छोटा-बड़ा, अपना-पराया, मन से मिटा दो,
फिर सब तुम्हारा है, तुम सबके हो।

As you feel the warmth of this loving energy in your heart center, let it expand to fill your entire room.
With each breath, allow this love to overflow from your heart, spreading out to embrace all beings around you.

Slowly bring your awareness back to the present moment.
Chant 'Aum' 3 times.

Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, relax your body and mind.
Visualize yourself surrounded by the five elements of nature.

Neither this body is yours, nor you are of the body.
This body is made of fire, water, air, earth, and sky, and it will merge into these elements.
But the soul is stable – what are you?
न यह शरीर तुम्हारा है, न तुम शरीर के हो।
यह अग्नि, जल, वायु, पृथ्वी, आकाश से बना है और इसी में मिल जाएगा,
परंतु आत्मा स्थिर है- फिर तुम क्या हो?

Remember that you are connected to the entire universe through Shiva & Shakti elements.
Earth: Feel the solidity and stability of the earth beneath you, supporting you.
Water: Sense the fluidity and flow of water, cleansing and rejuvenating.
Fire: Imagine the warmth and energy of fire, illuminating and invigorating.
Air: Feel the gentle breeze of air, refreshing and vitalizing.
Space: Sense the spaciousness and expansiveness of the sky, offering freedom and openness.

Now take a deep breath and slowly return to the present moment.
Chant 'Aum' 3 times.

Take a deep breath in, Offer yourself to the almighty Shiva & Shakti, surrendering all your worries and fears.
This act of surrender to the golden light of Shiva & Shakti is the best refuge, bringing peace and solace to your heart.

Offer yourself to the Almighty.
This is the best refuge.
One who knows this refuge is free from fear, worry, and sorrow.
तुम अपने आपको भगवान को अर्पित करो।
यही सबसे उत्तम सहारा है।
जो इसके सहारे को जानता है, वह भय, चिंता व शोक से सर्वदा मुक्त है।

As you continue to breathe deeply, feel yourself letting go of all burdens and attachments.
Imagine the wrost that has or can happen to you, we don't have control on most of the painful events.

Terminal illness, Financial Breakdown, Divorce, Betrayal by a loved one, Rape, Trauma, Addiction, Public Disgrace, Online Bullying, Disfigurement, Jobless, Loneliness, Major Accident, Disability, Paralysis, Homelessness, Loss of a parent child husband or lover, Domestic Violence, War Refugee.

In moments of despair, it can feel like there is no way out of the pain and suffering other than ending the life. But even in the darkest times, there is always hope. Even if you think your life has already ended, you have no interested in living anymore.

Think you have already taken that extreme step, but what will be the use of that...
Visualize you have a new birth, a new identity, a new purpose of life, if not for yourself, then also you are reborn for a bigger purpose.
Surrender completely to the God's Golden light.

The storm will pass, leaving behind the strength and resilience.
You are stronger than you know, and there is a brighter future waiting for you on the other side of this storm.
Stay strong, keep fighting, you loved.

Feel the strength and resilience of Adi Shakti & Lord Shiva, envision yourself embodying the fighting spirit of Shiva.

Slowly bring your awareness back to the present moment.
Chant 'Aum' 3 times.


Now, gently take your focus to your brain - The SahasraraChakra (the Crown Chakra).
Visualize a radiant, golden light at the crown of your head, symbolizing the SahasraraChakra, with its thousand petals glowing brightly.

With each inhale, feel this light expanding and filling your entire brain, illuminating every corner with its divine glow.
As you exhale, imagine any remaining negativity or blockages being released, allowing the light to shine even brighter.

Feel the healing energy of this light rejuvenating your mind, body, and spirit.
Allow yourself to bask in this healing energy, feeling a sense of renewal and rebirth.

Whatever you do, offer it to the Almighty.
By doing so, you will experience the joy of eternal liberation.
जो कुछ भी तू करता है, उसे भगवान को अर्पण करता चल।
ऐसा करने से सदा जीवनमुक्त का आनंद अनुभव करेगा।

As you experience this healing, make a commitment to yourself and to the divine.
Promise to offer your actions (karmas) to the higher power, dedicating them to the greater good.
Resolve to perform only good deeds, guided by compassion, empathy, and love.

With this renewed sense of purpose and commitment, slowly bring your awareness back to the present moment.
When you're ready, gently open your eyes, carrying this sense of healing and renewal with you into the new world.

Now take a slow deep breath to absorb the final energy and fully heal yourself.

Aum Shanti...
Slowly open your eyes...
Chant 'Aum' 3 times.
Chant your Guru Mantra 3 Times.


Express gratitude to the Maya & Shiva.

Thank the divine energy of Gurus guidance.


Aum Sushant!

Learn & Become a Pranic Healer

Embark on a transformative journey to become a Pranic Healer and harness the power of prana, or life energy, to heal yourself and others. Learn the principles and techniques of Pranic Healing, including energy anatomy, scanning, cleansing, and energizing techniques.

Discover how to apply Pranic Healing to alleviate physical, emotional, and psychological ailments. Whether you're seeking personal growth or a fulfilling new career path, this course will equip you with the knowledge and skills to make a positive impact on yourself and the world around you.

Take the first step towards becoming a Pranic Healer today and join the sadhna (Pranic Course)!

Every week for 2 Days, Guru Ji sits in Shiv Shakti Chowki (Darbar) for invoking the divine energies of Lord Shiva and Goddess Shakti. During these 2 days, students are taught online to harness the cosmic energies and seek blessings for protection, prosperity, and Spiritual growth.

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