Tratak: Gazing Meditation

Enhances concentration and inner vision

Activate your 3rd Eye with Guru Ji

Tratak Meditation, a powerful technique that involves gazing steadily at a specific point or object. Tratak is derived from the Sanskrit word "trataka," means to gaze or look. This ancient practice not only enhances concentration but also has profound effects on mental clarity and inner peace. You can active your Third Eye (Ajna Chakra) intuition, wisdom, meditation, higher consciousness, focus, is a profound practice in many Spiritual traditions, including Shiv Shakti Kundalin Tantra.


You can watch Guruj'is 4 FREE Videos to Learn & Master Tratak Meditation.


सम्पूर्ण त्राटक साधना सिद्धि रहस्य (Start)
How to do Tratak Meditation Sadhna Correctly


#1 Level
बिंदु त्राटक सही से कैसे करे?
How to do Bindu Tratak (Part 1 of 4)


बिंदु त्राटक के अनुभव और प्रश्न
Bindu Tratak
Experience & FAQs (Part 1B of 4)


#2 Level
दीपक त्राटक सही से कैसे करे?
How to do Deepak Tratak / Candle Meditation (Part 2 of 4)


दीपक त्राटक के अनुभव और प्रश्न
Deepak Tratak / Candle Meditation
Experience & FAQs (Part 2B of 4)


#3 Level
दर्पण त्राटक सही से कैसे करे?
How to do Darpan Tratak / Mirror Meditation (Part 3 of 4)


दर्पण त्राटक के अनुभव और प्रश्न
Darpan Tratak / Mirror Meditation
Experience & FAQs (Part 3B of 4)


#4 Level
ज्योतिर्लिंग त्राटक सही से कैसे करे?
How to do Jyotirling / Crystal Gazing Tratak Correctly (Part 4 of 4)


ज्योतिर्लिंग त्राटक के अनुभव और प्रश्न
Jyotirling Tratak / Crystal Gazing Meditation
Experience & FAQs (Part 4B of 4)

#0 Level: Start
सम्पूर्ण त्राटक साधना सिद्धि रहस्य
How to do Tratak Meditation Sadhna Correctly

Deep Mystic Spiritual Experiences as shared by Tratak Meditators...

  1. Visions of Light Beings:
    Some seekers report seeing beings of light or celestial entities appearing within or around the clear quartz ball during tratak.

  2. Past Life Memories:
    Tratak can sometimes trigger vivid memories or glimpses of past lives, offering seekers insights into their karmic journey.

  3. Out-of-Body Experiences:
    Seekers may experience a sense of detachment from their physical body, feeling as though they are observing themselves from a distance.

  4. Divine Messages:
    During tratak, some seekers receive profound messages or guidance from divine beings or their higher selves, offering clarity and direction in life.

  5. Merging with Cosmic Consciousness:
    Tratak can lead to experiences of oneness with the universe, where seekers feel a deep connection to all of creation.

  6. Healing Energies:
    Seekers often report feeling waves of healing energy flowing through them during tratak, addressing physical, emotional, or Spiritual ailments.

  7. Telepathic Communication:
    Some seekers experience telepathic communication with other beings or receive insights from the collective consciousness.

  8. Timelessness:
    Tratak can create a sense of timelessness, where seekers lose track of time and experience a state of eternal present moment awareness.

  9. Activation of Psychic Abilities:
    Regular tratak practice is believed to activate dormant psychic abilities, such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, or clairsentience.

  10. Union with the Divine:
    The ultimate goal of tratak is to experience union with the divine, where seekers transcend the limitations of the ego and merge with the universal consciousness.

#1 Level
बिंदु त्राटक सही से कैसे करे?
How to do Bindu Tratak Correctly
(Part 1 of 4)

#1 Level
बिंदु त्राटक के अनुभव और प्रश्न
Bindu Tratak Experience & FAQs
(Part 1B of 4)

Tratak Techniques

Tratak Meditation, a powerful technique that involves gazing steadily at a specific point or object. Tratak, derived from the Sanskrit word "trataka," means to gaze or look. This ancient practice not only enhances concentration but also has profound effects on mental clarity and inner peace.

Bindu Tratak

Deepak Tratak

Darpan Tratak

#2 Level
दीपक त्राटक सही से कैसे करे?
How to do Deepak Tratak / Candle Meditation
(Part 2 of 4)

#2 Level
दीपक त्राटक के अनुभव और प्रश्न?
Deepak Tratak / Candle Meditation Experience & FAQs
(Part 2B of 4)

Benefits of Tratak Meditation:

  • Tratak Meditation offers numerous benefits for the mind, body, and spirit
  • Improves focus, concentration, and memory
  • Enhances visual acuity and perception
  • Calms the mind and reduces stress and anxiety
  • Balances the nervous system and improves overall well-being
  • Stimulates the third eye chakra and enhances intuition
  • Promotes better sleep and overall relaxation



Steps of Tratak Meditation:

Begin with a few minutes of deep breathing to relax the mind and body.


Choose a quiet, peaceful place for your practice.


Keep your spine straight and relax your body.


Gaze steadily at the chosen object without blinking or straining.


If thoughts arise, gently bring your focus back to the object.


Practice regularly and gradually increase the duration of your meditation.


How to Practice Tratak Meditation: Follow these steps to practice Tratak Meditation effectively:


Sit in a comfortable meditation posture with your back straight and shoulders relaxed.


Place the chosen object at eye level and at a comfortable distance.


Gaze at the object without blinking for as long as you can comfortably manage.


Close your eyes when you feel the need to blink and continue to visualize the object in your mind's eye.


When you open your eyes, maintain the image of the object in your mind and continue to gaze at it internally.


Practice for 10-15 minutes initially and gradually increase the duration as you become more comfortable.

#1 Stage
Bindu Tratak
(Object / Point Tratak)

#2 Stage
Jyoti / Deepak Tratak
(Flame / Candle Tratak)

#3 Stage
Darpan Tratak
(Mirror Tratak)

#3 Level
दर्पण त्राटक सही से कैसे करे?
How to do Darpan Tratak / Mirror Meditation
(Part 3 of 4)

#3 Level
दर्पण त्राटक के अनुभव और प्रश्ने?
Darpan Tratak / Mirror Meditation Experience & FAQs
(Part 3B of 4)

Final Stage #4
Sphatik Lingam - Crystal Gazing:
Shiv Shakti Tantra Tratak

In the ancient practice of yoga and meditation, tratak (steady gazing) is revered as a powerful technique for focusing the mind and awakening higher consciousness. When combined with the divine energies of Lord Shiva and Goddess Shakti, this practice becomes a profound means of Spiritual evolution and union with the divine.


In Hindu mythology, Lord Shiva represents the masculine principle (Purusha), symbolizing consciousness and transcendence, while Goddess Shakti represents the feminine principle (Prakriti), symbolizing energy and creation. Together, they embody the dynamic interplay of cosmic forces that govern the universe.


The Sphatik Lingam: A Symbol of Divine Infused Male & Female Energies
The sphatik lingam, made of Himalayan Quartz Crystal, is a sacred symbol of Lord Shiva & Shakti, representing their merged inseparable formless nature and pure consciousness. It is believed to radiate positive energy and amplify Spiritual vibrations, making it an ideal divine Yantra 'object' for meditation and tratak.


Benefits of Sphatik Lingam Tratak:

  • Heightened focus and concentration
    Enhanced intuition and Spiritual insight
    Cleansing and balancing of energy centers (chakras)
    Increased clarity and mental sharpness
    Deepened meditation and inner peace

How to Practice Sphatik Lingam Tratak:

Choose a quiet, clean space for your practice.
  1. Sit comfortably with your spine erect and shoulders relaxed.
  2. Place the Sphatik Lingam at eye level, about an arm's length away.
  3. Gaze at the lingam without blinking for as long as you can comfortably manage.
  4. If thoughts arise, gently bring your focus back to the lingam.
  5. Close your eyes and visualize the lingam in your mind's eye.
  6. Continue this practice for 10-15 minutes, gradually increasing the duration over time.


As you conclude your Sphatik Lingam Tratak, take a few deep breaths and reflect on your experience. Notice any changes in your mental state or energy levels. With regular practice, Sphatik Lingam Tratak can lead to profound Spiritual growth and inner transformation in alignment with the Shiv Shakti Tantra tradition.


Aum Namah Shivay

Guru Aum Sushant

#4 Level
ज्योतिर्लिंग त्राटक सही से कैसे करे?
How to do Jyotirling / Crystal Gazing Tratak Correctly
(Part 4 of 4)

#4 Level
ज्योतिर्लिंग त्राटक के अनुभव और प्रश्न?
Jyotirling Tratak / Crystal Gazing Meditation Experience & FAQs
(Part 4B of 4)