Business Problems
Business Growth

Business Problem Consultation

Guru Ji offers personalized consultations to help you address your business problems and find effective solutions through Spiritual guidance and wisdom. Whether you're facing challenges in your current business, seeking guidance on starting a new venture, or looking to enhance your business strategies.

With years of experience and expertise in astrology, tantra, mantra, yantra, gemstones, and rudraksha, Guru Ji offers valuable guidance to help you navigate through your business challenges with confidence and clarity.

Business Growth:
Seeking guidance on expanding their business and increasing profits.

Financial Stability:
Looking for insights into financial stability and wealth accumulation.

Career Advancement:
Seeking guidance on career prospects and growth opportunities.

Legal Issues:
Seeking insights into legal matters related to business operations.

Partnership Concerns:
Seeking guidance on business partnerships and collaborations.

Market Competition:
Looking for insights into market trends and strategies to stay competitive.

Staffing and Employee Issues:
Seeking guidance on hiring, managing, and retaining employees.

Business Downturn:
Seeking remedies for business losses and strategies for recovery.

Investment Decisions:
Seeking guidance on investment opportunities and risks.

Business Expansion:
Seeking insights into expanding their business into new markets or areas.

Horoscope Consultancy with Guru Ji

Find solution on all levels - Business, Personal & Spiritual

Vayapaar Vriddhi
Business Growth as per Horoscope

As per your horoscope Boost Lucky Planets that can support your Business Growth 'Vayapaar Vriddhi', and also pacify the negative planets that are giving hindrance.

Personal Life Chart
Specific Solution as per Horoscope

Personal Life Charts can be a tool for actionable insights, self-discovery, love, relationship, Spirituality, and purpose of life in the light of astrological insights.

Hidden Talent & Skills
as per Horoscope

Unlock your hidden talents and skills with a detailed analysis of your horoscope, revealing unique abilities that can propel you towards success and fulfillment.

General Issue Pointers, rest depends upon multiple factors:

Business Growth:
Associated with the 10th house (house of career) and Jupiter (planet of expansion) or Mercury (planet of commerce and communication). Yogas like Gajakesari Yoga or Dhan Yoga can also indicate business growth.

Financial Stability:
Related to the 2nd house (house of wealth) and Jupiter or Venus (planet of wealth and prosperity). Yogas like Lakshmi Yoga can indicate financial stability.

Career Advancement:
Associated with the 10th house and Sun (planet of authority and career) or Jupiter. Yogas like Raja Yoga can indicate career advancement.

Legal Issues:
Often related to the 6th house (house of disputes) and Saturn (planet of law and order). Yogas like Vipareeta Raj Yoga can indicate legal issues.

Partnership Concerns:
Associated with the 7th house (house of partnerships) and Venus (planet of relationships). Yogas like Kalatra Yoga can indicate partnership concerns.

Market Competition:
Related to the 3rd house (house of enterprise) and Mars (planet of competition) or Mercury. Yogas like Ardhachandra Yoga can indicate market competition.

Staffing and Employee Issues:
Associated with the 6th house (house of service) and Saturn or Mercury. Yogas like Karmajiva Yoga can indicate staffing and employee issues.

Business Downturn:
Often related to the 8th house (house of transformations) and Saturn or Mars. Yogas like Daridra Yoga can indicate business downturn.

Investment Decisions:
Associated with the 5th house (house of speculation) and Jupiter or Mercury. Yogas like Dhan Yoga or Laxmi Yoga can indicate favorable investment decisions.

Business Expansion:
Related to the 9th house (house of fortune) and Jupiter. Yogas like Dhan Yoga or Bhagya Yoga can indicate business expansion.

Whether you're facing challenges, seeking clarity, or simply need solutions, Guru Ji is here to offer his divine guidance and blessings - send your with your complete details, specific problems to Guru Aum Sushant c/o Shiva Blessings Trust:

Whatsapp: +91-7310639456

Not just Horoscope Study but also Remedies for your problems

- Rudraksha
- Birth Stone
- Yantra Installation
- Satvik Tantra Remedies
- Mantra Jaap
- Daan Punya
- Prayers & Blessings
- Pranic Healing
- Meditation
- Satvik Life Management

There are so many unanswered questions about happening is our life, accidents, luck, misfortune..

People who blindly reject Astrology, says it's a Pseudo Science, its just probability!!!
Thigs will not change by just changing its name, than what is a probability?
Why something happens to that person only, believers will say its just coincidence, another new twisted words...
but they will not accept astrology.

Vedic astrology reveals hidden patterns, connects individuals with their higher purpose, and fosters personal growth. By understanding The 9 Planets - Sun - Moon - Jupiter - Rahu - Mercury - Venus - Ketu - Saturn - Mars planetary influences, one can navigate crises, release past patterns, and embrace transformative change.