Vastu Solutions
Your Space: Vastu Solutions for Growth & Prosperity

Vastu Consultation

Guru Ji offers Vastu consultation services to help you harmonize your living or working space with the principles of Vastu Shastra. Whether you're facing issues related to health, wealth, relationships, or overall well-being.

Guru Ji provides insights and remedies to enhance the energy flow and create a more balanced environment. With years of experience and expertise in Vastu Shastra, Guru Ji can analyze your space and suggest practical solutions to improve its Vastu compliance. Trust in Guru Ji's guidance to bring positivity and prosperity into your life through the ancient science of Vastu.

Entrance Placement:
Ensuring the entrance is in the correct direction for positive energy flow.

Workspace Layout:
Optimizing the layout of workspaces for productivity and harmony. Location of Important Areas:
Placing important areas such as the owner's cabin, cash counter, and reception in auspicious locations.

Energy Flow:
Ensuring there are no obstacles blocking the flow of energy within the office or showroom.

Color Scheme:
Choosing the right colors for walls and decor to enhance positivity and creativity.

Furniture Placement:
Arranging furniture in a way that promotes productivity and harmony.

Toilet and Bathroom Placement:
Ensuring toilets and bathrooms are located in the correct direction to avoid negative energy.

Storage Placement:
Placing storage areas such as cabinets and shelves in auspicious locations.

Lighting and Ventilation:
Ensuring proper lighting and ventilation to maintain a positive environment.

Overall Ambiance:
Creating a harmonious ambiance that promotes positivity and success.

Whether you're facing challenges, seeking clarity, or simply need solutions, Guru Ji is here to offer his divine guidance and blessings - send your with your complete details, specific problems to Guru Aum Sushant c/o Shiva Blessings Trust:

Whatsapp: +91-7310639456


Bad Vastu Effects

Health Problems:
Bad Vastu can lead to health issues for the occupants of a space.

Financial Loss:
Poor Vastu can result in financial difficulties or loss in business.

Relationship Issues:
Bad Vastu can create tensions and conflicts in relationships.

Career Obstacles:
It can lead to stagnation or hurdles in career growth.

Mental Stress:
Poor Vastu can contribute to increased stress and anxiety.

Legal Troubles:
Bad Vastu may lead to legal issues or disputes.

Lack of Harmony:
It can disrupt the harmony and peace within a household or workspace.

Accidents and Mishaps:
Poor Vastu can increase the likelihood of accidents or mishaps.

Sleep Disorders:
Bad Vastu can affect sleep quality and lead to insomnia or other sleep disorders.

Overall Well-being:
It can negatively impact the overall well-being and quality of life of the occupants.

• घर में लोगों के काम में बार बार बाधा आती
• कई बार बने बनाए काम बिगड़ जाते हैं
• धन का अभाव झेलना पड़ता है
• घर के सदस्यों को पेट संबंधी परेशानी
• बच्चों की पढ़ाई बार बार बाधित होती है
• कभी भी ताज़ा महसूस न होना
• धन का हमेशा अपव्यय होना
• बार बार गलत लोगों से पाला पड़ना
• अपने कम्फर्ट जोन से बाहर न आ पाना
• हमेशा किसी न किसी बीमारी से घिरे रहना
• किसी भी नए कार्य में अड़चनें पैदा होना
• परिवार में हमेशा चिंतामय माहौल
• योजना या कार्यों में तरक्की न मिलना
• कभी भी ताजा महसूस न होना
• योजना या कार्यों में तरक्की न मिलना
• व्यापार में घाटा
• घर के सदस्यों का अक्सर बीमार रहना
• तमाम कोशिशों के बाद भी घर में पैसा न टिकना
• हाथ आए अवसर भी निकल जाते हैं
• बार-बार धन हानि होना
• घर में हमेशा कलह
• बेवजह चिड़चिड़ाहट होना
• घर के लोगों की आपस में न बनना
• निराशा या उदासी से घिरे रहना
• मानसिक दुर्बलता
• मुकदमा
• इनकम टैक्स का छापा
• बच्चों को चोट
• बाथरूम में बुजर्गो का फिसलाना
• घर में आग
• घर में चोरी


General Issue Pointers, rest depends upon multiple factors:

Entrance Location:
Effect: Affects the flow of positive energy and first impressions.
Solution: Ensure the entrance is in the northeast, east, or north direction.

Direction of Main Office or Factory:
Effect: Influences overall prosperity and success.
Solution: Main office or factory should ideally be in the east, north, or northeast direction.

Location of Owner's Cabin:
Effect: Impacts decision-making and authority.
Solution: Owner's cabin should be in the southwest corner, facing north or east.
Placement of Cash Counter or Safe:

Effect: Affects financial stability and security.
Solution: Cash counter or safe should be placed in the southwest direction.

Placement of Machinery:
Effect: Influences productivity and efficiency.
Solution: Machinery should be placed in the southeast direction.

Location of Toilets:
Effect: Affects overall energy and health of the workplace.
Solution: Toilets should be in the northwest or west direction, away from the main office area.

Position of Staircases:
Effect: Can create instability or obstacles in growth.
Solution: Staircases should ideally be in the southwest, south, or west direction.

Natural Light and Ventilation:
Effect: Impacts overall well-being and positivity.
Solution: Ensure ample natural light and ventilation in the office or showroom.

Placement of Electronic Items:
Effect: Affects the flow of energy and communication.
Solution: Electronic items should be placed in the southeast direction.

Clutter and Cleanliness:
Effect: Clutter can block positive energy flow and create chaos.
Solution: Keep the office or showroom clean and clutter-free.


वास्तु शास्त्र के कुछ सबसे बड़े दोष

• पूजा कक्ष को दक्षिण पश्चिम कोने में रखना
• उत्तर पश्चिम कोने में मास्टर बेडरूम रखना
• अनियमित आकार का प्लॉट खरीदना
• एक बिस्तर के सामने आईना
• छत पर लटकता हुआ बीम
• एक ही पंक्ति में पानी की टंकी और खाना पकाने का चूल्हा
• मुख्य द्वार के सामने अवरोध
• टी जंक्शन के सामने घर
• शीशे की सही जगह
• भारी फर्नीचर की जगह
• घर की उत्तर-पूर्व दिशा का वास्तु दोष
• किचन के वास्तु दोष