Learn Basics of Indian Astrology

Unlock the Mysteries of the Planets & Nakshatras

Basics of Vedic Astrology & Horoscopes

The quest to uncover the mysteries of the universe has given rise to various sciences, among which Vedic Indian Astrology 'Jyotish' stands out.

Rooted in ancient Indian wisdom, Vedic astrology delves into the intricate realms of personal and business horoscopes, offering profound insights into the nature and destiny of individuals.

At the core of Vedic astrology are the Indian horoscopes, also known as natal charts, which serve as a blueprint of an individual's life. These charts provide a comprehensive understanding of one's psychophysical nature, potential, life's purpose, health, relationships, and various life events.

Through the placement of planets in these charts, astrologers can decipher the cosmic influences shaping an individual's life.

In Vedic astrology, each planet is believed to have its own set of friends and foes, with varying effects depending on their placement in the chart. Planets can be exalted in one sign, indicating their heightened influence, or debilitated in another, suggesting challenges or obstacles.

Astrologers, Pandits, Tantriks, Rudraksha & Gem Experts often recommend gemstones, yantra installation, mantra jaap, charity 'daan punya', or tantra to strengthen weak planets or enhance the positive influence of favorable planets.

Vedic Shastras

Jyotish Vidya, also known as Jyotish or Vedic astrology, is as ancient as the Vedas themselves. The Vedangas were the first scriptures to mention the study of Jyotish. It is said to refer to the six limbs of Lord Vishnu’s body, which are Jyotish, Kalpa, Nirukta, Shiksha, Vyakarana, and Chanda. Among these, Jyotish is considered the eyes of Vedanga. It is further divided into six limbs, laying the foundation of Vedic astrology.


There are 18 shastras in Hinduism.

4 Vedas
6 Vedangas (Siksha, Vyakarana, Nirukta, Chandas, Kalpa, Jyotisha)
Dharma shastras


These are 14 Dharma Sthanas (abodes of morality)

There are 4 more

Artha saashtra
Gandharva Veda

These 4 are Vidhyasthanas (abodes of knowledge)


These 18 are called shastras.


Jyotish six limbs which further divide the knowledge:
1. Observational astronomy (Gola)
2. Calculations (Ganita)
3. Natal astrology (Jataka)
4. Answering questions (Prashna)
5. Choosing beginnings (Muhurta)
6. Interpretation of omens (Nimita)



#1 GOLA / गोला
(Observational Astronomy)

Gola in Jyotish encompasses positional or observational astronomy, which involves recording and studying data about the universe. It includes the practice of observing celestial objects such as planets and stars using naked eyes, telescopes, and other astronomical instruments. This branch not only focuses on the physical observations of celestial bodies but also delves into the analysis of their movements and positions relative to Earth.


Gola plays a crucial role in Jyotish as it provides the foundational understanding of planetary motions and their influence on individuals living on Earth. By studying the movements of planets and stars, astrologers can make predictions and interpretations about various aspects of life, such as health, relationships, career, and overall well-being.


In modern astrology, the use of Gola, or observational astronomy, has somewhat diminished due to the advancement of technology, particularly computers. While traditional astrologers may still study celestial bodies and their movements as a part of their practice, many astrologers now rely on software that calculates planetary positions and other astronomical data with greater accuracy and efficiency.


However, understanding the principles of Gola can still be beneficial for modern astrologers, as it provides a foundational understanding of how planetary movements are believed to influence life on Earth according to Vedic astrology. Moreover, some astrologers may incorporate the symbolic meaning of celestial events or phenomena into their interpretations, even if they rely on computer-generated data for accuracy.



#2 GANITA / गणना गणित

These mathematical tools are used to analyze the results of Gola, or observational astronomy. Birth details are crucial for this analysis, including date, month, and year of birth, as well as the time of birth (a.m./p.m.) and place of birth (village/city, district, state, and country). Based on this information, the astrologer calculates the positions of the planets at the time of your birth. Vedic astrology also considers the existence of 12 houses, each with its unique characteristics. These characteristics, along with the effects of planets and the Sun sign, combine to create a map of your life.


Calculations for determining auspicious and inauspicious days, lunar months, festive seasons, and auspicious days for a broader audience are mentioned in the 'panchang' or Ephemeris. Nowadays, computer software for Indian Astrology is also available, making these calculations more accessible.


Horoscope calculations include Lagna Kundli (Birth Chart), Chandra Kundli (Moon Chart), Navamsa Kundli, etc. Additionally, Ganitha determines Dashas and events like Vimshottari Mahadasha-Antardasha-Pratyantar Dasha, Yogini Dashas, and Ashtottari dashas.




जन्मकुंडली ज्योतिष (जातक)

Jataka, also known as Janampatri or Kundali, is a crucial element in Vedic astrology. It represents the planetary positions at the time of a person's birth. This chart is considered a map of an individual's life, outlining the positions of celestial bodies such as planets and stars at the precise moment of their birth.


In addition to the Jataka for birth, there is also the concept of Prashna Kundali, which represents the planetary positions at the time a question (prashna) is asked to an astrologer. This chart is used to provide insights and answers to specific queries.


The practice of preparing a Janampatri or Kundali for a newborn child is a long-standing tradition in Hindu families. It is believed that this chart provides valuable information about the child's future, personality, and potential life events based on the positions of celestial bodies at the time of birth. This practice is deeply rooted in Hindu Vedic astrology and is considered an essential tool for understanding an individual's destiny and life path.


#4 Answering questions (Prashna)

सवालों के उत्तर देना (प्रश्न)

Prashna, which means "questioning" in Hindi, is a branch of astrology that deals with answering specific questions. Whenever a question arises in your mind, you seek its solution through astrology. These questions can relate to various aspects of life, such as Dashas (planetary periods), omens, difficulties, or problems.


In Prashna astrology, the astrologer answers these questions by analyzing your horoscope or interpreting the current planetary positions according to Vedic astrology principles. This branch of astrology provides insights and guidance based on the specific query, helping individuals navigate challenges and make informed decisions in life.



शुभारंभ चुनना (मुहूर्त)

Muhurta, or the selection of an auspicious time, is a crucial aspect of Vedic astrology. It involves choosing the most favorable moment to initiate important life events.


This practice is considered essential for ceremonies like marriage, starting a business, filing a lawsuit, major purchases, Griha Pravesh (housewarming), surgeries, beginning a treatment, or health routine, among others.


#6 Interpretation of omens (Nimita)

शकुन-अपशकुन का व्याख्यात्मक अर्थ (निमित्त)

Nimitta is a significant aspect of Jyotish, representing omens or signs. It is one of the six limbs of Jyotish and is particularly relevant when an unfortunate event is about to occur. Nimitta Shastra provides a list of signs to observe both in our waking state and in dreams.


Dreams, according to Nimitta Shastra, are a realm where desires, aversions, fears, grief, and love manifest without any constraints. The Shastra also discusses the relationship between these omens and various celestial bodies, deities, plants, and animals. Understanding these signs is believed to help individuals navigate life's challenges and make informed decisions based on the guidance provided by these omens.


Top 6 Books on Vedic Astrology

When Shankaracharya established the Char Dham, Badrinathji was declared Shankaracharya’s astrology bench 'jyotirmath peeth' because Ved Vyas was the son of the greatest then astrologer Rishi Parashar and was a master of astrology Maharishi Parashar is a pioneer in the promoters of Indian astrology.


Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra...

'bṛhat parāśara horā śāstra' (बृहत् पराशर होरा शास्त्र) can be translated to examples such as 'the great book on horoscopy by Parashara' or 'Great Parashara's manual on Horoscopic astrology'


'bṛhat' (बृहत्) = 'great, large, wide, vast, abundant, compact, solid, massy, strong, mighty' or 'full-grown, old' or 'extended or bright (as a luminous body)' or 'clear, loud (said of sounds)'.
'parāśara' (पराशर) = the name of a Vedic Maharishi ('great Rishi')
'horā' (होरा) = 'horoscope or horoscopy'; also means "hour" or "time", from Greek(ώρα).
'śāstra' (शास्त्र) = 'compendium', 'book', 'manual', 'rule', 'instruction', 'science', and 'advice'.


सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः। सर्वे संतु निरामयाः।
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु। मा कश्चिद् दुःखभाग्भवेत् ।।

"सभी सुखी हों, सभी निरोग रहें, सभी मंगलमय घटनाओं के साक्षी बनें और किसी को भी दुःख का भागी न बनना पड़ें।"


Parasara Hora Sastra

by Maharishi Parasara


by Mantreswara


by Varāhamihira


Jataka Parijata

by Vaidyanatha


by Kalyana Varma

Sarvartha Chintamani

by Venkatesh

The 6 Limbs of Jyotish

the "Six Limbs of Jyotish" or "Shadanga" are indeed fundamental components of traditional Indian astrology.
Here's a brief overview of each:


  1. Gola (Spherical Astronomy):
    This limb deals with the study of celestial bodies, their positions, movements, and their influence on Earth and human lives.


  2. Ganita (Mathematics):
    Ganita in Jyotish involves calculations related to planetary positions, aspects, and other mathematical aspects used in astrology.


  3. Jataka (Natal Astrology):
    Jataka refers to the study of individual birth charts or horoscopes, which are used to predict various aspects of a person's life based on the positions of celestial bodies at the time of their birth.


  4. Mahurtha (Electional Astrology):
    Mahurtha is the branch of astrology that focuses on selecting auspicious times for various activities based on planetary positions. It helps in choosing the right time for events like marriages, travel, etc.


  5. Prashna (Horary Astrology):
    Prashna involves answering specific questions based on the time when the question is asked. It uses the positions of celestial bodies at that moment to provide insights and predictions.


  6. Nimitta (Omens and Portents):
    Nimitta deals with the interpretation of signs and omens, such as the behavior of animals, natural phenomena, etc., to predict future events.

Checklist to Track your Astrology Study Progress

Clear all Basics first - How planets Influence life, Nine planets detailed information, Friendship and enmity of planets, Exalted and debilitated planets, Strength of planets, Retrograde planets, rising and setting planets, Benefic and malefic planets, Nakshatras Lord Qualities, Zodiac signs Qualities, 12 houses, Auspicious and inauspicious houses, planets, Nature of constellations, Panchak, Killer planets, obstructive planets, triangular houses, Kendra houses, 6/8/12 houses, yogakaraka planets.

Gand Mool Nakshatra
महत्वपूर्ण कुंडली योग
राजयोग, नीच भंग राजयोग
विशेष योग, अशुभ योग, दरिद्र योग, लक्ष्मी योग
Gochar (Transit)
गोचर फल: Sun, Mars, Mer, Jup, Ven, Sat, Rah, Ketu
Paya, Murti, Vedha, Sadesati
शनि की साढ़ेसाती और ढैय्या
Transit & Rashifal
Vimshottari Dashas
Maha / Antar / Sukshama
महादशा, अंतर्दशा, प्रत्यंतर दशा

Charts (वर्ग कुंडलियां)
(डी-1) - होरा कुंडली
(डी-2) - होरा कुंडली
(डी-3) - द्रेष्कान कुंडली
(डी-4) - चर्तुथाशं कुडंली
(डी-7) - सप्ताश कुंडली
(डी-9) - नवांश कुंडली
(डी-10) - दशमांश कुंडली
(डी-12) - द्वादशश कुडंली
(डी-24) - चतुविशंश कुडंली
(डी-30) - त्रिशंश कुडंली
(डी-60) - (षष्ट्यंश कुंडली)
Love Relationships

Kundli Milan
Ashtakoot Milan
Ashtak Varga
विवाह योग
विवाह समय
विवाह दशाएं
विवाह में विलंब एवं परेशानियां
विवाह ना होने के योग
विधवा और विदुर होने के सूत्र
दो विवाह के योग
प्रेम विवाह के योग
तलाक अष्ट कूट कुंडली मिलान
मांगलिक दोष और परिहार
निर्बल ग्रहों के उपाय

Some Good Books on Indian Astrology

Explore the depths of Vedic Jyotish through these insightful books, delving into the profound wisdom and transformative practices of Astrology.

Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra
by Parashara
Maharishi Parashara is considered the father of Vedic astrology, and his work is one of the foundational texts of Jyotish. It covers a wide range of astrological principles, including planetary effects, house significations, and predictive techniques.


Laghu Parashari
by Parashara
This is a condensed version of the Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra and is known for its simplicity and practical approach.


Brihat Samhita
by Varahamihira
This is a comprehensive work that covers various subjects, including astrology, astronomy, geography, and more.

  1. Brihat Jataka
    by Varahamihira
    Varahamihira was a celebrated Indian astronomer and astrologer. Brihat Jataka is a classic work on astrology that covers topics such as horoscope analysis, planetary combinations, and remedial measures.

  2. Jataka Parijata
    by Vaidyanatha
    Jataka Parijata is known for its detailed explanations of various astrological concepts, especially related to horoscope interpretation and predictive techniques.

  3. Uttara Kalamrita
    by Kalidasa
    Uttara Kalamrita is a comprehensive text on astrology attributed to the poet Kalidasa. It covers various aspects of astrology, including horoscope analysis, planetary periods, and predictive techniques.

by Kalyanavarma
Saravali is a classic text that provides detailed explanations of various astrological concepts, including planetary combinations, house significations, and predictive techniques.


by Mantreswara
Phaladeepika is a renowned work on Vedic astrology that covers a wide range of topics, including the effects of planets in different signs and houses, planetary combinations, and yogas.


Sarvarth Chintamani
by Venkatesh Sharma
Sarvarth Chintamani is a valuable treatise on Vedic astrology that covers a wide range of topics, including horoscope analysis, planetary combinations, and remedial measures.

Astrologer vs Fortune Teller

Astrologer: An astrologer practices astrology, which is the study of the positions and movements of celestial bodies (such as planets and stars) and their influence on human affairs. Astrologers analyze birth charts to provide insights into a person's personality, relationships, and life events based on the positions of celestial bodies at the time of birth. Astrology is often seen as a tool for self-discovery and understanding rather than a strict predictor of the future.


Fortune Teller: A fortune teller is a broader term that can refer to someone who uses various methods, such as tarot cards, palmistry, numerology, or astrology, to predict future events or provide guidance. Fortune tellers may use different techniques and approaches to make predictions, and their practices may vary widely depending on their beliefs and methods.


Baba Vanga: A Bulgarian mystic and clairvoyant who gained popularity for her prophetic predictions.


Nostradamus: A French astrologer and seer known for his book of prophecies, which has been interpreted to predict future events.


Aum Namah Shivay

Guru Aum Sushant